October Week 2 Group Challenge - Move It More Challenge

jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,423 Member
edited October 5 in Social Groups
This week, I'm challenging you to do just a bit more...meaning, whatever you have planned for your activities in getting your exercise in, plan on upping it just a smidge. For instance, if you're doing a 10 min workout video...plan for 15-20 minutes. If you're swimming the length of the pool twice, plan for three times. If you're goal is to walk a mile, try for 1.25-1.50 miles.

Report in each day and share you experience...enjoy the feeling of one-upping yourself and going that little bit extra JUST FOR YOURSELF. Consider it a gift that keeps on giving.

As always, if you're limited in some way on physician's order, don't push to dangerous levels, but one extra movement is something additional and over the top. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR'S ADVICE.

Looking forward to hearing from each of you this week. See you in the chat thread!
Jessica :smile:


  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,423 Member
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,423 Member
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 466 Member
    @jessicakrall8 thanks. My internet has been rubbish all day.
    Time for some shuteye
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 466 Member
    Suppose I’ve moved quite well today
    25 minutes exercise bike
    2 hours housework but
    In the sitting time I’ve sorted the tv/vcr connection on Anne’s tv.
    AND I spoke strongly but kindly to Anne’s internet provider. Weekends are abysmal for it dropping out, during the day but last night when I was having trouble getting to sleep because my legs were achy after all we had done during the day I was able to use it continuously from just after midnight until around 2am when I chose to switch off it was faultless.
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 460 Member
    On Sunday mornings my daughter has synchro training. That means being at the ice rink at 6am for 1h lesson then 1h synchro on ice, then another hour of off ice training. I made sure to walk 1 of those hours around the top of the ice rink (4.2km)
    We have a kind of unofficial mums running club as well during off ice, but sometimes can get demotivated if the weather is not great, and then we all sit and have a coffee instead.
    Today I made sure to ask the 3 other mums if they wanted to come, and I ran a 5k with one of them during off ice. We made a good time too
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,423 Member
    Well, I had the best in intentions...got up early...did some work around the house, took a walk, had lunch, read a book, took a nap, then started heating up some leftover baked chicken and made mashed potatoes and buttered peas to go with it...sat down to eat and all of a sudden started feeling sick and through up five times over the next hour and a half. Crazy...and I'm not a person who throws up often...came out of nowhere...the only thing I can surmise is that my body is still cleaning out from the prior sinus infection a week ago? Literally came out of left field, so to speak...

    I'm headed to bed...not sure if I'll go to work tomorrow or not...certainly don't want a repeat of today at the office.

    Hope you've all had a nice day...glad I got my mile in earlier...
  • Curvestina
    Curvestina Posts: 24 Member
    After a very fun date night, I was up at 8am and walking… pushed myself to do a new route and include some hills. 3.5 miles this morning.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,869 Member
    I helped out at a yard sale all day: lugging tables out and setting them up, carrying and unloading boxes of "stuff". I'm not big on yard sales: I don't frequent them and I don't hold them, but it was a worthy cause to volunteer for.
    But tomorrow I should get back in the swing of things.
  • sunshinezombiegirl1
    sunshinezombiegirl1 Posts: 15 Member
    I moved my tiny house all weekend. It involved a ton of heavy lifting--all of which involves me moving a lot more. I do have a paper to write this week, but I also have a lot of maintenance things to check on for my job, so between the tiny house and my work, I'll be getting in more than my goal steps all week.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,844 Member
    I got home late last night after spending time with Rich in Portland and Freeport. Normally, I would give myself a pass and not bother to make my step goal for the day - I've already made my step goal for the year and it's not going to make or break my fitness to miss a day. But then, I remembered THIS CHALLENGE. So of course I had to get out there and make my 15K for the day! Thank you Jessica!

  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 466 Member
    Expect the unexpected!
    Roadworks intimated for the busy main road from today between Anne’s and the hospital and we had an appointment at 9am. Normally 35-40 minutes but single lane traffic could mean anything at that time so we gave ourselves an extra hour!
    Nothing started so we were very early.
    Weather forecast wall to wall wet but that got lost too so while Anne played with her iPad I got my first 38 minutes walking done.9xledselrcwo.png

    It gets better she had a second appointment elsewhere and we arrived early and I got in a second walk. Even better, probably because it was mainly flat I was just below 3 miles an hour. Best time f1epfn941wpi.png
    We’re hoping for the same wrong forecast tomorrow because I have 117 leaflets to deliver door to door and not another day free to do it
  • Emilienewme
    Emilienewme Posts: 460 Member
    Today was my rest day so I did extra resting 😊

    jocking aside, I didn't do intentional exercise but did some sorting in the house and got plenty of moving and steps with my job as I work in a kitchen
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,844 Member
    It was raining, but I was determined to get my 15K steps. I walked 2 miles after work, and then discovered that my Garmin didn't record all my steps!!! I had walked for 32 minutes. My phone says it was over 2 miles. The Garmin should have recorded about 4000 steps. It only showed 2080! I'm not going to be defeated by a tech glitch, so I went back out and walked another mile. This time it correctly recorded my steps, so I made my step goal. I definitely had to Move More tonight!

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,206 Member
    I went to body pump and increased the weight on the back track 🏋🏼‍♀️
  • Curvestina
    Curvestina Posts: 24 Member
    I have been in a funky mood all day and really didn’t want to exercise… but I got it together and went anyways. 45 minutes and 2.5 miles later.

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,869 Member
    ☯ tai chi:37 min; 💪strength:50 min; 💗cardio:11 min; 🤽‍♂️aqua fit:70 min;
    🏊‍♂️swim:550 yds / 21 min; 🚶‍♂️walk:1.15 mi / 26 min; 👣12,650 steps

    I normally do an Aquafit class at 9am on Mondays. It was a special class today, because it involved a commitment to donate to the gym's October Fight Cancer campaign. I checked in at the gym around 8:30am in order to donate, but I didn't stay. Today was the first day that some of us will be meeting at a nearby park to do tai chi. So I planned to park at the gym, walk to the park, do tai chi, and walk back. But I ran out of time, so I drove to the park. We did 37 minutes of tai chi, then I walked 1.15 miles at the park before heading to gym #2 where I do a Silver Strength class at 11:30am. After that, it was home for lunch and relaxing for a while. Since I missed my 9am Aquafit class, I did the 6pm Aqua Combat class instead. After that, I swam for 21 minutes in the outdoor unheated pool. So I definitely moved more today. 😂
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 466 Member
    Got out and got my steps/exercise in delivering leaflets for Anne’s church
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,844 Member
    My move it more for today was adding an extra set to each of the exercises in my strength training workout.