Am I on the right track? **NEWBIE ALERT**

I'm a newbie ( 19 year old female) and I'm still a bit hesitant about the whole concept of eating more to weigh less. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it and I've been reading all these forums for the past two days, but I'm convinced.

Basically my BMR is 1536 and my TDEE is 2104 cal ( low activity and -15% would be 1788 ) and for moderate activity ( TDEE 2372 and -15 would be 2016 cal) and I understand I have to do a reset since my metabolism has been all over the place for the past 3.5 months. I'm increasing my consumption gradually.

My question is during this process can I still JUST continue the exercise I do or do I HAVE to incorpotate strength training? I have two 5 pound weights that I use maybe twice a week.

Any suggestions on what to do for strength training? Anything I can do at home?

My exercise routine consists of a lot of cardio. I do 20-30 min of interval running/walking on the treadmill on 0% incline and I go back and forth from 8.5 speed to 3.5-4.0 speed. I burn 200 cal doing that.

After that, 10 min sessions using incline intervals ; 4.0 speed for 5% incline for 5 min, 6.0 speed for 2% incline for 3 min, 7.0 speed for 2% incline for 1 min and 3.0 speed for 10% incline for 1 min. I do this 2 or 3 times and I lburn 500-600 cal. I'll be exercising 2-3 times a week, about 50-60 min each session.

Would that be considered moderate acitivty? I used the scooby calculater. I'm also a university student so there is a fair amount of walking that is done on campus. I'm just not 100% sure if all that would be low or moderate activity. I'm assuming it's moderate, is that correct?

I know that I should still eat healthy but just more of it when I reach my TDEE. Does my macro matter that much? I know they're important but what if I go over my macro and I still haven't met my daily calorie intake?

Basically, am I on the right track with my calories and exercise?

Thanks a bunch!


  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Hi there, I would say you are moderate but definitely not low. With lots of walking you may even be a level up, I know that is what it is for me.

    As for the weights that you have now, look up fitness they have great videos that a lot of us use. I am doing a 4 week fat loss program at the moment. You can choose from weights based, cardio, Pilates there is a great mix. A few popular weights that you can do at home would be cathe fredrich DVDs, new rules of lifting for woman, stronglifts, nia shanks but these will require additional weights & gear.

    The thing with strength is that the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns during the day.

    With the macros I think you will find that quite a few people that have been doing this for a while will eventually mainly aim for their protein goal and let the others fall where they do.

    I'm sure someone else will come up with some more help for you.
  • I made a mistake. My whole routine takes 50-60 min. The second part that I do, the incline intervals takes me about 20-30 min.
  • By incorporating strength training into your life, you preserve muscle while in a cut. You want to lose fat, not muscle, and you have to use it or you will lose it.

    Body weight exercises are a great way to work your muscles. Squats, push ups, planks - they will all help you until you can find a way to access heavier weights. Once you realize you NEED to strength train, you will find a way to make it to a gym or purchase what you need for home use, your excuses for not doing it will seem minor.

    I wish I had EM2WL when I was nineteen. It would have saved me decades of yo-yo dieting! Welcome to the group!
  • Well I have two 5 pound weights. I'll look up exercises online. Thank you!