October Week 3 Group Challenge - Ask a Question Challenge

jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,444 Member



  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 493 Member
    I struggle with boredom eating.
    I’ve worked hard all day and deserve to sit quietly watching the tv, but there’s nothing on to hold my interest. I’ve had all my calories for the day. I’m not hungry BUT
    My go to is candy and cookies.
    What do you do to stop boredom binging?
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 707 Member
    edited October 13
    All my life, I have never been a tea drinker. My husband likes to snack at night while we're watching TV. I started making a cup of tea that I sip on at night if I want to eat while we're watching TV. It gives me something to do with my mouth. LOL. There are so many flavors of tea. Just make sure you get an herbal tea with no caffeine. There are several sleepy time teas as well. I have finally started to like the way tea tastes and I have many flavors now:)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,879 Member
    iradi8 wrote: »
    All my life, I have never been a tea drinker. My husband likes to snack at night while we're watching TV. I started making a cup of tea that I sip on at night if I want to eat while we're watching TV. It gives me something to do with my mouth. LOL. There are so many flavors of tea. Just make sure you get an herbal tea with no caffeine. There are several sleepy time teas as well. I have finally started to like the way tea tastes and I have many flavors now:)
    I haven't been drinking tea lately, but for a while there I was enjoying several herbal teas, two favorites being Celestial Seasonings Very Berry and Tao of Tea Peppermint. I need to get back to those.
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 493 Member
    I’ve been substituting tea for my morning and afternoon cuppas instead of coffee because coffee was aggravating my stomach and I don’t miss the coffee.
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,881 Member
    I struggle with boredom eating.
    I’ve worked hard all day and deserve to sit quietly watching the tv, but there’s nothing on to hold my interest. I’ve had all my calories for the day. I’m not hungry BUT
    My go to is candy and cookies.
    What do you do to stop boredom binging?

    I like to do something with my hands to combat the urge to munch. I crochet or knit, or write in my journal ✍️

  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 91 Member
    What do you do to stop boredom binging?

    Generally I only binge when I'm on the computer watching a movie or tv series. So I will turn it off and go into my bedroom and start reading a chapter in one of the many books I've started. I then feel tired, turn-off the light and fall asleep! Sometimes if that doesn't work I make myself a small individual pack of plain oatmeal... it's bland enough that I can add some cinnamon or other spices, and it'll make my hunger pangs disappear. Plus it's healthy with fiber!

  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,220 Member
    I struggle with boredom eating.
    I’ve worked hard all day and deserve to sit quietly watching the tv, but there’s nothing on to hold my interest. I’ve had all my calories for the day. I’m not hungry BUT
    My go to is candy and cookies.
    What do you do to stop boredom binging?

    If there is nothing on that holds your interest, find something else to do that is relaxing and you can "deserve" after a long day. I like to work on puzzles or take a bath.
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,220 Member
    How do you drink enough water during the day? I bring a refillable cup with me and then only end up drinking part of that or 1 cup. Not the 2 I should be drinking.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,854 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    How do you drink enough water during the day? I bring a refillable cup with me and then only end up drinking part of that or 1 cup. Not the 2 I should be drinking.

    I have always been a water drinker ... I started adding MIO to my water (which is a sugar free flavor bomb in many flavors
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,444 Member
    I struggle with boredom eating.
    I’ve worked hard all day and deserve to sit quietly watching the tv, but there’s nothing on to hold my interest. I’ve had all my calories for the day. I’m not hungry BUT
    My go to is candy and cookies.
    What do you do to stop boredom binging?

    @nansbones7708 I've heard a lot of people say that it's important to find something to do with your hands...turning pages on a book, reading a magazine, doing some sort of crafts, like sewing, crocheting, knitting...those would work well while watching tv...personally I can't read while watching tv, but definitely crafts...working a puzzle...folding clothes...anything to keep you occupied so as not to snack. Or you can change your snack...

    The other thing is just not to have a lot of your guilty pleasure snacks in the house...if there are kids in the house, that's nearly impossible, but have something crunchy like carrots, celery, etc would help with the snacking, but most of those aren't sweet...

    My last suggestion would be to make 100 calorie care packs, so you stop after you hit the 100 cal limit of whatever the snack is...personally, I like to fix a serving of breyers no sugar added ice cream and that's 2/3 of a cup...

    Great question!
  • baodell17724
    baodell17724 Posts: 91 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    How do you drink enough water during the day?
    It's perhaps easier if you're retired like me. And it's easier in the warm weather when I always have a pitcher of unsweetened herbal tea next to my desk or easy chair. Then I make a point of drinking at least half the pitcher every day (and have a second pitcher cold-brewing in the fridge). It's a necessity for me to flush salt out of my body, because I had serious edema 2 years ago and am on diuretics as well. I'm finding it more difficult now in the cooler weather. That is having to get up and make a cup of hot tea in the microwave, over and over, to get my 3-4, or more mugs in a day (not counting the large mug of coffee in the morning).

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,444 Member
    lauren_989 wrote: »
    How do you drink enough water during the day? I bring a refillable cup with me and then only end up drinking part of that or 1 cup. Not the 2 I should be drinking.

    @lauren_989 I've always struggled with this too....I've never been a sipper...someone who can always drink water...for me, I only tend to drink when I'm eating...so I've started carrying a 24 oz cup with me during the day at work...fill up once in the morning and once at noon and sip throughout the day, especially when I start to feel hungry, since I only eat two meals a day. If I get really hungry, I'll have a small packet of cheese crackers. If I have time in the mornings, I'll stop and get a non-sweetened iced tea with splenda and those are 32 oz...then refill the cup and use it for a few days...

    I too like to add crystal light or mio flavoring to my water...mango flavors are my favorites...Kroger has an excellent peach mango.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,444 Member
    @micaroo4 Mentioned journaling as an evening activity...so for those who journal...do you treat it like a diary and just write whatever happened during your day...or do you start with specific topics suggested by the journal? How do you find topical ideas for your journaling? Do you find that journaling helps you emotionally or is it just a relaxing activity?

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,444 Member
    @Megan_smartiepants1970 What's your favorite Mio (or other brands) flavors?

  • p8m6bwghh9
    p8m6bwghh9 Posts: 83 Member
    @nansbones7708 For me, the bored/angry/sad/anxious/happy desire to binge often boils down to feeling like I have been deprived of something I enjoy and it isn’t fair (stomp my foot). If I regularly allocate a small sweet or savory “treat” into my calorie budget it helps.
    10 m&ms are about 40 calories, Ghiradelli 72% dark chocolate square about 60, dark chocolate sea salt Rxbar mini 90, 3 cups of air popped popcorn 90.
    I also have added a variety of herbal teas that have tastes and aromas that feel indulgent to me.
    @lauren_989 I have struggled with water intake but started taking a few chugs every time I got up to add movement throughout the day. I include the teas in my hydration plan. I also make sure to drink (water or tea) whenever @Cyncia85 posts a reminder 🙂
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,220 Member
    @micaroo4 Mentioned journaling as an evening activity...so for those who journal...do you treat it like a diary and just write whatever happened during your day...or do you start with specific topics suggested by the journal? How do you find topical ideas for your journaling? Do you find that journaling helps you emotionally or is it just a relaxing activity?


    I used to journal about my day, when I was younger. Sometimes it's fun to go back and read what I wrote when I was a kid. Now, I consider posting on MFP journaling :)
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,766 Member
    edited October 13
    @nansbones7708 What do you do to stop boredom binging?
    I try not to have any of the usual snacky things in the house. In advance, I weigh and bag several portions of dried fruit and nuts, knowing that there's a certain amount of calories in each bag and I mustn't open the large bags to binge on. I also have frozen fruit that I take in a drink (instead of ice) with turmeric, ginger shot and tonic water, then sip this while watching tv in the evening. Otherwise, do some cleaning, sorting of a box or drawer or something. Even going through photos and deleting emails can keep you from reaching for snacks.

    @lauren_989 How do you drink enough water during the day?
    I have a 500 ml flask and fill it at night time with 60-80 degree water. This gives me a warm drink when I wake up. I sometimes put tea in it - recently, hemp leaf for when I don't have an early start and can take time to relax into the day. When I fill it, I also fill a mug with warm water or tea to drink when I get in to bed if I want it. If I'm at home, I fill these up throughout the day. If I'm out at work, I have a half litre plastic bottle with me and refill it or refill a large glass or drink tea while I'm there - it depends on where I'm working of course. I also drink tea with my meals.

    @jessicakrall8 Journaling, do you treat it like a diary and just write whatever happened during your day...or do you start with specific topics suggested by the journal? How do you find topical ideas for your journaling? Do you find that journaling helps you emotionally or is it just a relaxing activity?
    I never got into journaling but I see coming on here as a kind of journaling, where we log what we eat and drink and participate in chats and challenges. Recently, I decided to start doing something and made a chart to colour in according to my calorie intake and have a paper diary for noting things down. It's not really journaling but I think I might develop the idea. I also read about creating a Dopamine Menu - tasks to do to feel good afterwards (not food) and I like the idea of that. It might help Nan to do something like this too instead of snacking.

    What's your favorite Mio (or other brands) flavors?
    I don't add flavourings, other than tea, to my water. I am into learning about the various tea benefits and have lots of different tea that I hadn't touched but have begun using them up. I tended to only have green tea. I like hemp leaf, rooibos, dandelion, oolong and green with jasmine.

  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,766 Member
    How do you force yourself to get up and do something on days off?
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 1,220 Member
    How do you force yourself to get up and do something on days off?

    I do it first thing in the morning on my days off. I also have a paper tracker and find it rewarding to add my exercise to it at the end of the day 🙂
  • nansbones7708
    nansbones7708 Posts: 493 Member
    I’m a workaholic when I’m feeling good and just never know when to stop!
    Results are sometimes that I lose the next day recovering from my foolishness!
    How do you organise yourself to stop sooner and leave the rest till tomorrow?
    I’m trying to set myself a timer to stop when I need to, not necessarily when the job is finished