Sober Discussion (Ongoing)



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    @chicbuc Awhile ago, you asked me which football team I root for. I can't really answer that... I don't want to leave "identifiable" information on this thread. Just wanted to explain why I didn't answer. (I think that was you who asked??) <3
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    The post of shame...and I am paying for it this morning...

    I have been trying to decide if I was going to fess up or just stop posting in the group. If I am going to truly do this, then I need to keep myself accountable. I have felt much better over the last 2 weeks. This morning I am reminded of why I decided to stop in the first place.

    And as I scroll through the recent posts this morning I see @RubyRed427 post about hating to tell the group that she was back to square one. Welp, here I am...

    Red wine (or alcohol in general) is not my friend! :(
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 608 Member
    edited October 19
    @RubyRed427 Perfectly understandable! And congrats on abstaining while your husband was drinking. That's amazing resolve! Mine will be put to the test next weekend on a short weekend getaway with SO. I think I'm pretty much at a place where I can drink club soda and be just fine, but I will need some thoughts and prayers to resist temptation, for sure.
    @renae149 We all screw up. It's how we respond that counts. Don't beat yourself up too bad. Just start again...and again and again if you have to...until it sticks.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    edited October 19
    @chicbuc you are correct! I keep thinking about the positives that have continued to add up. I have psoriasis on my feet and it have all but cleared up! Alcohol and stress are 2 factors that break my feet out so bad that it's painful to walk. And the inflammation in my body, or lack there of, is amazing! The way I walk on uneven ground is the most noticeable for sure. The energy I have walking through the plant at work, well, I feel 10 years younger right now.

    Just wish I would have thought more about those last night... :)
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    renae149 wrote: »
    @chicbuc you are correct! I keep thinking about the positives that have continued to add up. I have psoriasis on my feet and it have all but cleared up! Alcohol and stress are 2 factors that break my feet out so bad that it's painful to walk. And the inflammation in my body, or lack there of, is amazing! The way I walk on uneven ground is the most noticeable for sure. The energy I have walking through the plant at work, well, I feel 10 years younger right now.

    Just wish I would have thought more about those last night... :)

    That happens! I've been trying to quit for 10 years!!! I have fallen off so many times, I can't even count. So, dust yourself off, and write a little journal entry for yourself about this experience so you can read it in the future. Today's a new day!
  • MegHom
    MegHom Posts: 7 Member
    Adding bookmark to pick back up! Weight loss seems to be on track, sure the lack of wine & better sleep is helping.
    @chicbuc keep going! Days are getting shorter where I am and the dark makes it hard to fend off that depression. You can manage it!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    edited October 19
    I had hynotherapy about a month ago. It was specifically about drinking. I don't know if it worked or not, BUT I have been sober since then. The lady was amazing. She had me imagine alcohol as my most hated beverage.. I said I hate tomato juice. So, she described pouring thick, chunky tomato juice into a wine glass and drinking it. There was a lot more to the hypnotherapy session that lasted one hour. But maybe it did work?!!

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 586 Member
    edited October 19
    Good morning,

    Checking in (finally) with a sad confession. I found myself in somewhat of a depressed state and needed to feel some comfort and companionship after a couple of stressful days at work, and I'm sorry to say that I succumbed to temptation and lapsed on Thursday night and again last night; so...
    Here I am again on Day One!😔

    I see that I am not alone. I started this group for a reason so I should be able to make this stick! Instead of listening to that self-destructive, inner voice telling me "just one more time", I should just whip out my phone and read some of your inspiring posts!

    @renae149, I'm so glad you decided to stay with us! I am right there with you!

    @globalhiker, welcome back! Glad you found us!

    @RubyRed427, your posts are so inspiring! You're doing GREAT!

    @chicbuc, I really appreciated reading your words of encouragement and advice to never give up! (I won't!) I know how much better my life is without alcohol, on so many levels: mental, emotional, physical, even environmental! I just need to always, always keep that in mind.

    Today is a great day for Day One. I discovered that today is "Evaluate Your Life Day", offering a time to reflect on our lives with the aim of becoming better versions of ourselves. It gives us the opportunity to check in with ourselves and assess whether we’re still on the right track. I also read online that on Evaluate Your Life Day, it’s important, even when faced with unpleasant aspects of life, to maintain a positive outlook and to evaluate your life through a lens of kindness, and not judgment.

    So many interesting ideas on this board! I need to read and keep up regularly to help me stay the course and maintain focus. I'm not going anywhere today so no chance of slipping up.

    Here I go!

    10/19: 001 day AF

    Happy Evaluate Your Life Day!

    Have a nice weekend, everyone!
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,539 Member
    I have been away (part of the time with Ruby Red which was wonderful..what a friend she is!) but then to some other places to see family. I am surprised and humbled by witnessing normal drinkers. When at my sister's, she and her husband had 1 glass of wine each over the 2 days and nights we were there. Next stop, my husband's aunt...1 glass there. Then on to his niece's where she did not drink at all and her husband had 1 beer. I have remained sober the entire time and I had the most enjoyable vacation ever. I am on Day 26. I am not going back.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 586 Member
    edited October 19
    Welcome back and congratulations on your 26th day, @SunnyDays930! That's wonderful! Like you, I have always marveled at those who can limit their consumption of alcohol. However, I am fully aware that I am not one of them and never could be! Right now I'm having pumpkin spice coffee and relaxing at home. I found a carbonated beverage that I really enjoy! It's Trader Joe's sparkling white tea with pomegranate. I had some in a wine glass at lunchtime and it was very satisfying.

    Enjoy your weekend! 💞
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    @RubyRed427 funny you should mention journaling... I do keep a word doc of my days. Started this when I quit smoking. Figured it worked then it should help now!
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 586 Member
    edited October 19
    Hi everyone,

    @renae149 and @RubyRed427, I have now resumed journaling and also think it's a great suggestion. I use the app called, "Sober Time" for Android on my phone. They also have a Community and I might try checking in more regularly there as well.

    Enjoy your day! 😸
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    @Walela617 Those are great milestones! Don't they always say when you write down your goals you are apt to make them reality!

    My first goal will be reached this week:
    30 days will be on my daughter's birthday

    I also want to be AF until my blood work on Nov. 8th. That would be on day 46.

  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 586 Member
    I hope you're right @RubyRed427!

    What a great way to celebrate your daughter's birthday - 30 days alcohol-FREE!

    Wishing you all the best for your upcoming appointment!🌟
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    Good morning! Nothing new to report. It's been a calm weekend with gorgeous weather and the leaves are changing colors slower this year.

    28 days AF... feeling better each day
    It will be a whole month soon that I did not have a headache, nausea, etc. at work. What a delight!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    edited October 20

    Love this quote.
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 586 Member
    @SunnyDays930, very best wishes for your upcoming blood work as well! I'm sure your doctor will be very pleased with your important milestone. My own doctor has moved on as well. I hope you like your next doctor too.

    @RubyRed427, I love that quote and I 100% agree! I know what's it's like to feel like cr*p the next day at work - even calling in sick because it was that bad. Tomorrow I will be going to work 100% AF!

    This afternoon I plan to vote (early voting is now open in Massachusetts); so I won't report today as AF until I'm safely back at "home base"! Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    @Walela617 do you have anyone you can physically call when that car decides to take a wrong turn? Of course checking in here is always an option, but you might benefit from that immediate contact. And your goals are awesome!!

    As well as you @rubyRed427! 30 days on your daughters 30th! What a great way to celebrate!

    And good luck to everyone for upcoming blood work for sure. My last appointment my liver level was 58 and needs to be below 50. That was part of the motivation for this change. And he doubled up on my blood pressure meds, which I definitely didn't like!

    We were going to go to BWW for the game. I was practicing asking for a club soda with lime in my head. Last minute Hubs decided to stay home. Small crisis diverted for now! I know I will have to get there at some point, but it doesn't have to be today...

    Happy Sunday! AF - 1
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,539 Member
    Thank you all for your kind wishes. I will let you know, good or bad, what the Dr says. It will be a few days after the blood draw of course, the get the results. So sometime next week I hope.
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm pretty happy with myself this morning! (Don't mind the pat on my own back! :wink: ) As game time drew near, I wanted a glass of wine, just one. After much thought, I decided not to open the bottle of red, I'll just water down some of that white I have in the pantry. Pouring the water first then deciding to slice an orange instead of grabbing the wine. Thanks to whoever made that suggestion! The orange gave it a smoother taste than the lime for something different!

    And the best part, at halftime, I gave the living room a quick dust. Then after the game swept the living room. Full disclosure, I suck at housekeeping!! IT has never been my strong point. I would rather go to my kids' ball games. Ballgames stopped as COVID hit and we turned to alcohol as entertainment. Not having the foggy, I am trying to do a little every night as I am not passed out on the couch.

    Here's to another AF, productive day!! Day 2 AF in the books, again.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    @renae149 That's great! I love orange slice in water too! Yes, it is funny how productive you can be on a sober day! Congrats on day 2!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Back to the workday grind but all is well. I appreciate having a job and supporting a lovely family. :)

    36 Alcohol free days and I honestly don't really count anymore. Alcohol means absolutely nothing to me, and I am off and running with the rest of my life ahead of me. :)

    I had some work to do in the woods on Saturday and worked hard for 4hrs straight and still had plenty of energy in the tank. No way I could have done this with booze in my system. :)

    Cheers all and have a great day!

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    Day 29 AF! I am definitely buying myself something tomorrow on day 30. Some earrings or something (not expensive) but meaningful.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

    Back to the workday grind but all is well. I appreciate having a job and supporting a lovely family. :)

    36 Alcohol free days and I honestly don't really count anymore. Alcohol means absolutely nothing to me, and I am off and running with the rest of my life ahead of me. :)

    I had some work to do in the woods on Saturday and worked hard for 4hrs straight and still had plenty of energy in the tank. No way I could have done this with booze in my system. :)

    Cheers all and have a great day!

    Happy 36th!! I love your mindset. Once we realize alcohol brings zero value to our lives, it's easier to abstain. All the benefits of sober living keep multiplying!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    Congrats @xbowhunter !! You know you’re past the hard days when you no longer count! Great job!
  • renae149
    renae149 Posts: 486 Member
    Happy 30 days @RubyRed427!! Here's to another 30 for you! Cheers!! (With sparkling water :smile: )

    Another day in the books for me. If I can crush the weekends I can be golden!

    A quote for the day: Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

    Here's to another productive day for all! AF - 3 days complete
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    renae149 wrote: »
    Happy 30 days @RubyRed427!! Here's to another 30 for you! Cheers!! (With sparkling water :smile: )

    Another day in the books for me. If I can crush the weekends I can be golden!

    A quote for the day: Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes.

    Here's to another productive day for all! AF - 3 days complete

    Thanks!!! Hooray for 30 days AF! Thanks for remembering!

    Congrats on another productive day!! 3 days AF!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    Today is 30 days with no hangover!! That means the world to me. My body has always rejected alcohol and had a hard time metabolizing it. So, if nothing else, my body is so happy!

    I have an old one month coin from AA. I'm going to put it on my nightstand as a reminder of one month sober.
    Have a great day!