Can a toxic home life make you eat more?

I still live at home and it's my third year of college. I still live at home because 1) I go to a community college (there are no dorms) and 2) I can't afford an apartment (it's hard to even pay off my bills some days, so I can't imagine what paying rent would be like added on).
And my parents, on the whole, fight about some of the stupidest things. Even when it's something little, it's blown out of proportion by my dad's yelling and cursing and my mom yelling back. Of course, my brother (who is 8 years younger than me) has gotten to the point of where he thinks he can smart off to my parents and not get punished for it. When he does (which is usually just my dad cussing at him) he starts crying or storms off to his room screaming that he hates being the youngest in the family and that no one listens to him. And all of this is pretty easy to hear since, well, I live in a trailer.
I manage to cope by either drowning it out with music or something like that. If it happens in the afternoon, I go out and do something until I feel like everything has died down.
But, now, I've gotten back to the point of where I become so frustrated with my home life that I start rummaging through cabinets or picking at leftovers from dinner just so I can shove food in my mouth in hopes that my frustration will go away along with the tension in the air that is sometimes so thick you can cut it with a knife.
I just don't know what to do anymore.


  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Dont have any advice on your home life, unless you can find a place of your own. But having a toxic homelife can make you WANT to eat more, but only you can MAKE you eat more.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I grew up surrounded by dysfunction. I never even realized that it contributed to my emotional eating/anxiety until I finally moved out, which I had managed to lose 30lbs without even trying. Is there alcohol in the family by any chance?
  • starswillfly
    starswillfly Posts: 22 Member
    Actually, no. The way I see it, my parents are exactly alike and my brother is growing up to be just like my dad. Mainly, it's just anger issues that are mostly coming from my dad, since he was raised in practically the same kind of environment too.
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    Your picture icon shows me a person full of grace and love. I know how hard it is to live in an environment that is toxic. From the tine I was nine years old until 54 I either was binging or purging or starving. Yes yes yes an environment like this can make you want to out food which many times is considered love into you and it can calm but than after you do that your stomach aches and you are even mire upset. Try to take a tablet and journal what you gear going on. Than read it in a few days. See how dumb and useless the quarks are. Also journal how you are feeling when it starts to happen. Instead of putting on music actually listen. You may see a pattern they are nit fighting about the real source of the problem. Also pray for then. Prayer does work. I am praying for peace in your home. I remember those days it was nit happy and unkiceavke.. Go outdoors and sit in quiet if you can. Good luck with your studies.
  • papetto
    papetto Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, I think that a toxic home life causes tons of stress and could totally contribute to making you eat more out of frustration. If you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for ya! Your best tactics are to go for a walk, find a local bookstore or library, or what-have-you, hang out there and when you come home, just do what you've been doing - drown it out with music, etc.
  • nicoleisme
    nicoleisme Posts: 95 Member
    I understand your problem and would recommend biking or going outside for a walk or something similar, not strenuous exercise because when your family stresses you out you don't really feel motivated often, just go out and do something. Not even for the exercise but just to be outside with nature and to get some space and feel better.