A penny for your thoughts!

kimtab Posts: 64 Member
Hi all, looking for some thoughts from what seems to be the most reasonable corner of MFP I've found :)

I am a 45 year old female, 5'7"
SW 220
CW 192

My TDEE is 2183 (based on moderately active as I work on my feet, have a couple kids to chase, live in an area where I can walk instead of drive most places.
so TDEE -20% is 1747

I am using MFPas I originally set it up: set to lightly active with 3x30 minute workouts per week. I have it set to lose 1.4 pounds per week which gives me 1400 calories. I have my macros set at 40/30/30 gram wise that works out to 100-120 for protein which I have trouble meeting and around 150 for carbs which I have no trouble exceeding. I know why that happens, not really a question there.

|I have my fitbit linked, and have been eating back fitbit calories that are credited. I started with 1200 calories, but decided to up calories when I broke the 200# barrier. With my exercise calories eaten back I am usu around 1500-1700

My exercise has been erratic. I've been doing something at least three times a week but I really want a predictable routine to follow. I started off doing 30 Day Shred but it's hard on my knees and it's boring, though I love the 20 minute aspect of it..

I've lost 28# in about 3.5 months. I'm satisfied with my progress thus far. I think I do ok with my food, though certainly not perfect (and my diary is open). I don't think what I'm doing isn't working, I just think it could be better. It's obvious to me that I really need to be stronger. I'm not ready to hit the gym and heavy lift yet, I don't belong to a gym anyway but I have the basics at home, dumbells, exercise mat and swiss ball, resistance bands.

My weaknesses are my knees (patellar femoral malacia) and my lower back (I am prone to lumbar strain) The back is not really limiting as far as exercise choices so far but the knees definitely are. The daily squats, lunges and high impact of the 30 day shred were not maintainable for me because of my knees.

I've come up with the following plan for myself. I'm just not sure it's optimal :)

4 days strength (~30 minutes/session), 2 days cardio (45-60 minutes/session)

Day 1: Abs, lower back and stretching

Day 2: Undecided cardio (needs to be low impact right now because of the knees, maybe power walking moving up to jogging if knees get better as I get stronger?

Day 3: Arms and legs

Day 4: Cardio with my husband (P90x Kenpo module because that rolls around every saturday for him anyway)

Day 5: Abs, lower back and stretching

Day 6: arms and legs

I'm using videos from the fitnessblender.com website. I've been trying various of their workouts to find ones that work for me and have come up with the ones above thus far. Is this too much, not enough, just right for someone who has exercised in the past but not consistently in several years? The arms and legs day feels a little long to me. Welcoming feedback. I've lost weight before but this time I'm in it to win it and I want to do it in a sustainable and healthy manner. I want to be fit, not just slim.



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    What are your primary goals as it relates to lifting?

    Also, are there specific workouts you have found you enjoy?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^^^these would be my questions.

    Also, what equipment do you have available to you?
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    Goals (short term):
    Preserve lean body mass while I lose fat
    Strengthen problem areas (quads for knees, core and back for back) to make exercising easier and less injury prone and give me more options for cardio.

    (Long term):
    Maintain a normal BMI/Body fat %
    Be fit and strong
    Get some sexypants :)

    I have enjoyed the videos I have done from fitness blender thus far which included lifting with dumbbells and then just body weight resistance stuff. I think I am still finding my preferences being new to this. However, I can say that 30 Day Shred wasn't my fave as it was the same every day. I also will do some strength stuff (like pushups or triceps dips) when I take my little one to the playground as this can be done using the playground equipment :) I don't have a set routine for that though.

    I have at home: An exercise mat, a swiss ball, a couple of resistance bands (don't know what level, I have a red one and a blue one ) a set of 5# dumbbells, a set of adjustable dumbbells (with 2.5 and 7.5# plates) I guess these aren't ideal since they go from 5 to 15 or 20# so I could get some other plates for these. I don't mind buying other things but my space at home is limited and I don't have a dedicated exercise area where stuff can be left set up. I am not ready to join a gym right now and I feel like having to go somewhere else to exercise is adding a level of difficulty to it I don't want (busy with kids, yadayada).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Going through our old threads and I noticed a few that we had not followed up on - including this one - apologies. So, bumping so we can get to it asap.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    1) I'd increase your protein intake for starters.

    Set your intake to this, for now:
    1550 kcals
    150 c
    55 f
    110 p

    2) I think your best bet would be to look into You Are Your Own Gym or Convict Conditioning. These are good bodyweight programs that should allow you to make progress for a while instead of gym training.