Worried about my foot... and frustrated big time!

Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
Monday night I completed w7d1 and it was a really great run. Nothing odd happened, I didn't turn my ankle and I stretched well afterwards, but as the night went on my foot and ankle started to feel sore. Then REALLY sore. My hubby & I were finished up the last minute birthday prep for the next day so I ignored it and did what needed to be done. Right before bed I decided to ice it and noticed it was pretty swollen... the next day I could barely walk. A call to my doc on Wednesday had me in his office in the morning and getting an x-ray to rule out stress fractures in the afternoon. The good news is, no stress fractures. He told me to ice it, wrap it & rest for 4-5 days. The swelling is down but I still feel a slight pain when I don't have it wrapped. I went for a short walk around the block with it wrapped this morning and it started to bother me about half way home.

I'm worried because I don't really know what I did to it this time. Other than saying it isn't fractured he didn't say exactly what was going on with it... is it a sprain? Am I doing something I shouldn't? Am I overdoing it? Ahhh - I wish I knew! This is the same ankle that I rolled in the spring and had to wear in a brace during my workouts until mid-August.

When I told him that I was training and had a 5k at the end of the month he reassured me that after this rest I could back to it fairly quickly. He told me to start off with about half the distance and then work back up to the time and distance that I was doing. Does anyone have experience with this? Any suggestions for getting back to it? Should I keep it wrapped while running - if so, for how long?

I'm frustrated and a little sad because my goal was to complete c25k before the 28th. The color run has been my motivation, my goal and my reward for doing c25k all rolled into one... and it looks like I'm going to have to walk some, if not all, of it. :grumble:


  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Not sure what's wrong with your foot but I would do what your doctor advised and rest it for a couple more days. If you are still having problems after that I would go back and see him. RICE is the standard method of treating most running injuries and works in most cases, just give it time.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Drop down to the week you previously completed and then start back up. You will have lost a little bit of running endurance, but not much when it comes to the over all picture.

    As far as your foot, I am not sure as what it could be. It could be anything from muscles, to tendons, to ligaments. Do what your doctor says, rest/ice/compress/elevate. You can try an ankle compress for when you run, or see if your doctor can show you how to use sports tape and tape it. I would suggest to ice bath the foot (completely submerge in ice water) imediately after your runs. It will hurt like hell, but ice baths work great. You can use your bath tub, but I would suggest a 5 gallon bucket, so you can submerge some of your calf muscle as well. You will want the water between 55-60 degrees, and no longer than 15 minutes.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Thank you for reading my very long winded post - I think, what started out as a question quickly became a rant. Sorry about that! I appreciate both of your replies, Romyhorse & Rduhlir.

    I followed my doctor's advice and stayed out of the gym and off the trails for the full 5 days after I saw him. I did the RICE method as often as possible... not going to lie, the E part only happened after the 3 year old went to bed. Last night was my first run back, again, I followed his advice and cut the run time in half - I extended my warm up walk and cool down by a couple minutes just to make sure I was good to go. It went really well! I felt like I could have easily kept going when the 12 minutes were up! (Didn't push my luck though.) I iced it after and it felt great today. I'm going to ask him about the sports tape next time I'm in; by the middle of the cool down it made the bottom of my foot cramp up! Thanks for the great advice!


    ETA: I decided not to go to the usual trail and run instead on the flattest street in my neighborhood... it didn't hit me until I was finished my run that I chose to walk/run a route that I used to use for an "incredibly long walk" to ease myself back into running. :laugh: Yay for endurance!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sounds like you have it covered. Sorry about your foot. Good job on getting it taken care of!