26 month plateau, Afraid to eat suggested calories

Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
I had RNY Oct 2010. In the nine months following I lost 120 pounds..... July 2011. Twenty six months (Sept 7, 2013) later I am at the exact weight of July 2011. I have been up 2 pounds (probably salt and traveling/sitting too much days)water weight, and down 2 pounds, after a week of super high activity level, outside of my normal 60 min of intentional exercise, weights, running, swimming, cycling (I do try to mix it up).
I have had the nike fuel plus for two years, and it reads pretty consistant. I have consulted my registered dietician at the fitness club, and at the surgeons, and at my endocrinologist. I have tried more calories, more protein, less carbs, less calories, more steps..... and nada! Zip, nothing.

Today I bought a fit bit and am going to see it motivates me to do something different. Perhaps eat more, cause 1000-1200 calories has been agreed upon as the lowest I should go considering my activity level.

Also, do not know if I can eat more and still do healthy calories...But a calorie is a calorie, especially if I am getting sufficient protein. Right?


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    As far as weight goes, all calories count the same. Some foods may be overall healthier or not, but body weight won't care.

    I love my fitbit. I find it is very motivational.

    To you log all of your food, as closely as you can? I find weighing food is far more accurate than measuring cups, so maybe that might help.

    Good luck. It's great to see that you haven't gained, and are still really dedicated.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm almost a year out and have been working closely with my surgeon, dietitian, and endocrinologist also. Prior to surgery, we did a diet study because I had been seeing a gastroenterologist because I had problems eating--couldn't eat more than one meal a day, and it was quite small. They measured my caloric intake at about 1200-1400 a day. I was 246 lbs and taking over 155 units of insulin per day thru my pump (I am a type I diabetic.) I did NOT begin to lose weight until they dropped my calories to 800 calories a day, and at that point I was losing about a pound every two weeks. Their theory was that my body produced too much glycogen (stored sugar) and released because I was unable to eat due to stomach issues, most of which due to neuropathy in the upper small intestinal area.
    Now, 11 1/2 months post gastric bypass, my weight has been stalled for 3 months again. My calories have gone up to close to 1200 per MFP and dietitian's recommendations. My blood sugars are back on the rise and the weight in the last week is on the rise also. Whether the exercise is increased, decreased, the food increased, decreased, makes no difference here. The only difference is a gain--and it is seen through how my clothing fits, where my blood sugars are, and in my breathing.
    I see my body returning to what it was and don't want to go there. I am working my butt off to get the last 10 pounds off--yes, I am at normal BMI, but my height and my frame needs those last few pounds gone. My health needs them gone. Yet, no one has answers for me. I want a fitbit or hrm so bad! Will sacrifice anything in the future to have one. I weigh my food as much as possible to make sure everything is accurate and will continue to do so.
    I hope you find the answers that you need. I am not throwing in the towel. I believe that after all that we, as weight loss surgery patients, have gone through, that we have what it takes to push on through.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    Given that its been over two years I will presume to guess that your body has found its maintenance/ comfort weight. Its amazing that you havent gained anything (aside from two pounds, but like you said that is probably fluctuation weight)! I hope to be successful, myself. I have been stable for the last few months, but MAN is it hard, and I have another few pounds I wanted to shed too lol.

    I would guess that you either may need to make some changes in your diet (maybe something like lower your carbs or sugar intake???), or just add in some more exercise, but not less calories, like you said perhaps more. Once of the dangers many talk about and I was told of in my program that can stall weight loss is eating too little, especially when there is a lot of physical activity, perhaps try that for a bit.

    Good luck.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks, all, I have a new fit bit and am trying to eat the suggested calories..... So far, up two pounds, down two pounds, up two pounds...... hmmmm. eat more. guess I will just hang in there as I am.