Week 3! Saturday, January 25, through January 31!

Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 14,598 Member
Week 3! Saturday, January 25, through January 31! Exercise, Sleep, Water, and Healthy Habit Focus done before Saturday Do Not Count!

😀This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. Each team has a similar ‘set-up’, yet each has its own ‘look & feel’. Your team’s leaders will answer all questions. Another good source of information will be from your fellow teammates on your team’s discussion board.
2025 Winter: Race To A “Bright, Shiny New YOU!
🏁 Race 🏁

Once again, it's a foot race! Dust off your boots, skis, snowshoes, and any other shoes you use to move and participate in fun winter activities that you enjoy. Get ready to help your team reach the Winter Finish Line! The winter ribbon is made of snow, so be sure to dress warm! Each team has a goal of 6,000 minutes and a " Ribbon to Break."

Exercise to ‘break the ribbon’ before the end of the week as your team crosses the finish line. One minute of exercise = one minute closer to the goal. 120 minutes maximum per challenger per day will be counted toward your team's goal)
Healthy Habit #1 Visions of a Great Nights Sleep: Sleep Hours
Continuing on our “Visions of a Bright, Shiny New YOU,” in our previous weeks, we’ve
~ Taken our measurements (this will be done in Week #1 and Week #8)
~ Met our cheerleaders
~ Journaled
~ Drank Our Water

***Beginning in Week 3, we are going to count our hours of sleep****
As we begin practicing our healthy habits (HH) for the New Year, is there a way that we can use what we’ve learned thus far to help enhance our sleep? After meeting our cheerleaders, we know our team better and have welcomed members to our team. We've been exchanging ideas. No doubt this is a great healthy habit to ask your teammates, "Do you have a hard time sleeping because_____?" You may have a teammate who's had that issue and can share what helped them. Journaling is also a great tool to help you log your sleep patterns. If something is bothering you, journaling can also be a great way for you to ‘write it down’ so that you can clear your mind. Many people leave a small notebook on their nightstand and will write things down if they can’t ‘shut their mind down.’ If they write down the ideas they have in their head, they don’t have to be afraid that they will forget those ideas. Getting rid of that worry can also lend itself to better sleep.

Can water affect your sleep? ABSOLUTELY!! If you find you are drinking later at night, it can cause you to wake up during the night. If you are hydrated throughout the day, can you stop drinking 2 hours before sleep, perhaps having only a few sips before lying down?

We all know sleep is important. Do you know why? What do our bodies do during sleep? What happens when we sleep less than 7 hours? Take a look at the following video. I was surprised!! You’ll notice I often link videos. You do not need to watch them all, but if you think it’ll be useful, please do. If it sends you down “the rabbit hole” for an issue you personally find with sleep, go down that “rabbit hole” during the day. LOL, not before bed. I find videos helpful and hope you will, too! This video is only 2 minutes and 45 seconds long.


Sleep Benefits & Importance - Why You Need Sleep | Anthem The video is 1 minute long.


What happens when we do not sleep enough? How much sleep do we need?


“BUT I have a hard time sleeping! I can’t do that” this ran through my mind, did it yours?

Do you know what our circadian system is and how we can adjust it?
It is possible. I enjoyed this video so much. It has a lot of helpful information.


NOTE: We began our journey a few weeks ago. The 2025 Winter 5% Challenge is designed to focus on a healthy lifestyle that complements your exercise or movement program. The challenge begins on Saturday morning. Sleep and water done before Saturday do not count!
🏁 Race 🏁

You must exercise to get to 6,000 minutes to help your team ‘Break the Ribbon.’

1 minute of exercise = 1 minute toward the team’s 6,000-minute goal.
DAILY MAXIMUM 120 exercise minutes per team member

🥇 Challenge Week #3: Saturday - January 25th through Friday, January 31st, 2025 🥇

Healthy Habit: Visions of 🛌SLEEP🛌 and 💧Water 💧
✔️To score points this week

1. Sleep: Note: This HH starts Friday Night. You may count up to 9 hours of 🛌 sleep🛌 each night from the time you go to bed until you get out of bed. Napping does NOT count.
2. Incorporate 💧 WATER 💧 into your daily routine. If you meet your required water
intake, please give yourself 10 points. If you met your water requirement by AT
LEAST HALF, give yourself partial credit of 5 points. Less than half of your water
requirement? Please give yourself a zero.
Your post should look something like this:


Exercise: 120
Sleep: 9 hours maximum
Water: If you meet your required water intake, please claim 10 points. If you drank at least half of your goal, claim 5 points. If you didn’t, claim 0.
HH Focus: 10 points all or nothing

NOTE: Do the best that you can. We are inclusive of all but do realize that not everyone can participate fully in everything because of health/dietary restrictions and/or physical restrictions. If there is a special circumstance, reach out to the OAL team and perhaps together we can come up with **suggestions** for an alternative.

Diane (Dianedoessmiles1)
2025 Winter 5% Challenge ~Extra Leader Positively Strong 4 Life
Overall Co-Leader, Seasonal 5% Challenges