Cleaning out the Fridge One Healthy Meal at a Time

jonmcardle Posts: 8 Member
When I first started my weight-loss journey I realized one of the reasons I was so overweight was because of the food in my refrigerator, and don't get me started on what was in my pantry, that's another post for another day.

My fridge was full of condiments. Eight different salad dressings, relishes, three flavors coffee creamer, mayo, mustard, 4 different barbeque sauces, ketchup, coleslaw dressing, just all kinds of stuff. I looked at the labels and couldn't believe how small a "serving" was. Salad dressing: 2 tablespoons. Barbeque sauce 1 tablespoon. C'mon, really? Who has just one tablespoon of barbeque sauce on a rack of ribs?

But, I digress. What was a person to do? I didn't want to waste the more than $100 of stuff on the door of my fridge. What I did was to use everything up one "serving" at a time. I measured everything and added a little flavor to my meals. I measured 2 tablespoons of Salad dressing over my 1-1/2 cups of spinach and spring mix tossed salad. Then, I added a tablespoon of slice olives, 10 croutons (1 serving) and slice of cheese diced into little squares. Total of 287 calories, 11 grams of fat from the cheese, 17 carbs (mostly from the salad dressing and the cheese), and 11 grams of sugar from the salad dressing. All when within my dietary restrictions. I continued this way until all of the old fattening, sugary, sodium laden foods in my fridge were used up and gone.

After eating like this for a month, or so, with a dab of THAT on my ground turkey cheeseburger, a tablespoon of THAT of that on my tuna salad sandwich, I slowly saw fewer salad dressing bottles, fewer condiment bottles, and more space on the shelves of my refrigerator. I also saw my drawers full of fresh vegetables and my shelves with greek yogurt, fresh fruit, and fresh-squeezed juice. I didn't waste a thing, and I lost more than 30 pounds.

For me, there were two keys to my success. One, was not replacing the bottle or jar once it was empty. Two, was learning to enjoy the taste of food without drowning it in sauces and condiments.

Need ideas? Check out my public recipes on this site. They are delicious and don't require hours of preparation. Look for recipes that start with Sailor Jon's....

Good luck with your journey and J-U-I-C-E to you!