Day 14

Here's hoping Heatherc had a great birthday and is sleeping in! I figured I'd start today up for her! :-)

Feeling awesome today! I am down in weight, despite not being able to go full force on the workouts the last few days. I felt a lot better doing my shred this morning and am contemplating moving on to Level 2 either tomorrow or Tuesday (probably Tuesday when i can do it in the morning). We have no real plans today so little man and I are going for a hike now and maybe a bike ride later when big man comes home from work.

Have a great day everyone!!!!


  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Aww, thanks girly!! I DID sleep in!1 Thanks for thinking of me, my bday turned out pretty well :)

    Day 14 of 90

    Focus T25 Week 2 Day 7

    Today is suppose to be stretch day, I havent done it yet, I have not been doing much studying or school work so today in addition to laundry and housework I have to play catch up on all my schoolwork :( I may not get a chance to stretch today, does house cleaning count? lol

    Have a good day ladies, and lets kick some major butt next week!!!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    You will burn some calories house cleaning. I understand the studying and school work because I'm in the same boat as you. Just try not to skip the stretch if you can, because it's amazing and the body so needs it to recuperate. Take care and I'm ready to kick some butt this week.!!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    You too! Great job on being able to move to the next level and the weight loss!! Have a great day too!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! Got my Focus T25 stretch workout in for the day! I love that DVD because I just feel so fantastic when I'm finished. I'm 52 years old and I can't believe how much my flexibility and strength has improved over the last 9 weeks with T25! Hope everyone has an amazing Sunday and let's keep the ball rolling in the challenge.
  • tanyab1990
    tanyab1990 Posts: 212 Member
    Good afternoon! I was feeling so tired this morning so I ate some protein and did the 30 day shred. I felt so much better that I did a 3 mile walk as well. I have a turkey chili in the slow cooker for some low calorie meals this week and need to focus on my water for the remainder of the day. Have a great Sunday!
  • GmomLinC
    I had 8, yes all 8 of my grandsons here from last night till dinner time today. But......while the 6 month old slept just before noon, I sent the bigger (as in ages 4 - 8) downstairs to play on the xbox , and I gave the 2 - 2 year olds bowls of grapes and I pulled out a big container of duplos and little cars to play with. I then managed to get in my 45 minute, 3 mile using handweights weight loss watp walk. It looked like I had just gotten out of the shower when I was done I was dripping sweat. The baby woke up 15 minutes later. Perfect timing.

    And....hooyay for me, I just repeated the same watp walk. That 3rd mile using the handweights...I thought my arms were going to fall off. lol But I did it! I definitely need a shower!

    I think I made my personal goal for miles completed this week. I'll tally them for tomorrow's check in.
    Have a great evening, everyone!