Predicted/actual weight loss/gain

helenium Posts: 546 Member
Hey scientists,

Is anyone else keeping track of their deficit or surplus and calculating a predicted weight loss or gain, and then matching it up to the actual weight loss?

I used to do this during the first phase of my weight loss, and found I matched up pretty well with my predictions.

Now I'm doing it again as I've changed the type of exercise I do (and I'm not certain about my calorie estimates), though I only have a month's worth of data so it's within experimental error.

Anyone else done this with any luck?


  • littleknownblogger

    There are too many flaws witht the simple "calorie-in/calorie-out" model for it to be effective. Beginning with the fact that our body does not utilize the chemical energy stored in food in the same way that it is released to determine it's "caloric content". Then you have endocrine response to macronutrients, individual insulin sensitivity, lypolitic response to the type of training performed...

    Over time, higher energy output than energy input will result in a weight reduction, but I don't think it's accurate enough to be predictive beyond that.