Poll: Which Journals do you read?
I currently only read The Wildlife Society Bulletin and Transactions. Looking to expand my horizons. What do you read?
Predicted/actual weight loss/gain
Hey scientists, Is anyone else keeping track of their deficit or surplus and calculating a predicted weight loss or gain, and then matching it up to the actual weight loss? I used to do this during the first phase of my weight loss, and found I matched up pretty well with my predictions. Now I'm doing it again as I've…
Perseid Meteor Shower
Well, folks, it's here! It looks like the peak intensity will be August 11/12, but excellent viewing will also occur August 10/11 (TONIGHT!!!!) and August 12/13. Is anyone else planning on viewing the shower? I think I talked my BF into going on the 12/13 since he doesn't get back until the 12th. And yes, I will geek out…
Through the Wormhole
Has anyone watched this show on the Science Channel? It's narrated by Morgan Freeman. There are other shows on the Science Channel that I want to watch, too. And they fulfill my inner geeky need. :)
The Planets - An HD Odyssey
So a local park is putting on a movie complete with orchestration this summer. I already bought my tickets. :) The movie is a lot of updated pictures and space tidbits and the music is being performed by the National Symphony…
Transit of Venus
Did anyone see it last night? I was bummed that it was so cloudy here in DC, but NASA had a feed going, so I was semi-happy. :)
Need help with a math problem
I know someone in our group can help me. I'm in a challenge that is restricted to 5 members each team. Two teams have 6 members. How do I mathematically make the participation of 6 members be equal to the participation of 5 members? We are comparing calories burned. 100 calories equals 1 mile of walking.
Funny names and terms
So... we all know that scientists are dweebs with weird senses of humor. I personally get a kick out of some of the strange names given to proteins or genes or whatever. I thought it would be fun to post about terms that amuse us. I'll start with one I just came in contact with: Fractalkine Apparently Fractalkine is a…
17-Year-Old Girl Creates Nanoparticle That Kills Cancer
When I was seventeen, it was a very good year. Actually, that’s a flat out lie. When I was seventeen I was probably wallowing in self-important despair so trivial that now, years later, I can’t even remember if I was wallowing or not. The point I’m getting at here is that I wasn’t doing anything productive, much less…
Smarter than your boss?
Who here is more knowledgeable than your supervisor about your field? I have had to train my last 3 supervisors and spend time making them look good so they can take the credit. How are you handling it?