My Jillian Journey Begins Today

lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
So the first of my Jillian Box Sets arrived yesterday so I'm going to let her start kicking my bum today!!!!!

Tonight I'm going to start the 30 Day Shred.

This weeks schedule is

Today - 30DS
Wed - 30DS
Thurs - Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism
Friday - 30 DS
Sat - BFBM and 30DS
Sun - No More Trouble Zones

I have a feeling its going to be very tough, but hopefully it will be worth it when I lose inches and the scales start to go down!

I'll keep updating on weight/measurements every week. I took some 'before' pics too so I can compare at the end.

Todays weight - 150lbs (not sure about my measurements!)