Workout calories... MFP's #'s vs Machine Data.... ?

Ok, so.... here's a thought question:

While dusting my running sneakers off today at the Y with sweat... the My Fitness Pal (MFP) cardio log entry calorie expenditure was VASTLY different from what the machine workout summary (treadmill in this case) was and also differing from another iPhone running app I had running in the background. Differences were huge, in the hundred's range and even pace was WAY off on each device/app. What should our data be captured from?? I mean, I liked the generosity of MFP.... but guessing if I had a heart rate monitor and Garmin on... I'd be sadly disappointed.




  • hdiemondlabbe
    hdiemondlabbe Posts: 11 Member
    Was the treadmill calibrated to your age and weight? That would make a huge difference. When I get way off results like that, I split the difference and go with my gut. Generally speaking, if you are working hard enough so that it would be difficult to carry on a conversation, but you could speak in short bursts with someone while performing the exercise, you can reasonably estimate about 10 calories burned every minute. ie...30 minutes of hard exertion would equal 300 calories burned. It's definately a ball park, but pretty accurate overall.
    If you are really hung up on it, a heart rate monitor is the way to go.
  • ok, that sounds about right. I'm a little rusty in the running department but my gut feeling was that it was "too easy" for the data produced. I did calibrate but wonder if the interval approach I took tonight was the reason for the weird range. THANKS!