Anyone starting day 1 today?

I had previously finished 3/4 of c25k at the end of 2012. But things happen and motivation failed, and so here I am starting over again. Just wondering if anyone was starting today or this week, so I could get motivation being in the same week as someone.


  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I will be starting week 4 tongight but I just wanted to wish you luck. Like you I have done it in the past and even graduated and then stopped running and ended up back at square one. I am determined this time to keep going and even try to run a 10k down the road.

    Good luck:)
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I had made it to the dreaded W5D3 back in June and then I got sick & it got really hot upstairs where my treadmill is (I run inside) so I quite. I just restarted, from day 1, on Wednesday. I am so mad at myself!! I couldn't run past 10-12 minutes before and was discouraged because I couldn't make it to the 20 minute mark well what a wake up call I got on Wednesday! I couldn't finish day 1!!!. I was dying!!! But at least I'm trying again, so I'm here with you! WIll be doing day 2 tonight. Wish me luck!
  • JumpinJill
    JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
    I just started w1d1 today. It was not easy for me, but I know it will get better :) I ended up running for 1 minute and then walking for 4. Did a total of 30 minutes combined. Going to try and do better next time.

    Question: (maybe a silly one) are you supposed to be able to breathe through your nose while running or does it not matter?
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm not, but I'm here to cheer you on to make sure that you complete allll of C25K this time around. :smile: