My natural kept me out of the gym!

What was I to do, each time I went to the gym I would be in a rude awaking with my hair. My hair would get wet and puffy and I had that hardest time trying to manage it. Yes, the easy things to do is perm or weave it up, but what does that say about me. It just says I failed at becoming natural, so I found a way. I read blog after blog, watched Youtube videos and found that they were all showing me how their hair could be managed, not mines. We are all different and that goes for the way we lose weight to how our hair reacts to our regimen. However there are a few things that we all can benefit from while hitting the gym with natural hair. Either way you go, after working out you must get some moisturizer back in your hair or it will dry out. Feel free to share what you do in the gym as well.

Keep it short and sexy – If you are pounding it out at the gym often, then you may consider going short. This style is easy to maintain during and after workout. Just put a sweat band on and your good to go.

Twits it up – This is my favorite style. I actually wear my hair like this until I need to change it for a special event. I start off with washing my hair for the week with a special shampoo/conditioner and just twisting away. At the gym I put a silk scarf on my head and put my twist in a loose ponytail.

Braids – Another easy style that last. Get your hair braided and rinse it after working out and follow up with a moisturizing spray, there are a lot out there or make your own.

The main goal is not to let your hair discourage you from working out. Plan your workouts and hair regimens together and stick to it. The last thing you and I would want is to be sitting at home with a beautiful hairstyle but gain 50 pounds.

What do you do for your natural hair while working out?


  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member
    I have braids at the moment and try to fit time in my schedule to moisturize it twice a day. What kind of moisturizer do you use?
  • I make mines from a base conditioner that I get from the natural food store. I add oils to the base such as olive, rosemary, lemon and castor and infuse it with some other herbs. I put it on daily, especially right after the gym being that sweat will dry my hair out. Last night I brushed my hair for a long time like my mom used to do and it feels great today, very soft.