Enemy – My Desk

I have been working out for a few years and the only thing that I have to show is strength. My body changed a little but there is some stubborn fat that just wants to stick around. So I decided to workout harder, I started to hit the gym twice a day and incorporated running into each workout and I still did not see the results that I wanted. A few weeks ago I realized something as I was sitting at my desk at work. I realized that my desk was the enemy and it was keeping me from losing weight. I started to pay attention to what I was doing at work and the main culprit was sitting down. See I work a job where my schedule is working two weeks and then having two weeks off. So the two weeks I am at work I am sitting at my desk 12 hours a day for 14 days straight. I am not only making it hard for me to lose weight but I feel like I am keeling myself slowly.

Today I got to work with a new plan and that is to stand up most of the day. So with me working out twice a day, eating healthy and standing at my desk I may see some improvement.

What are some things that hinder you from reaching your goals when it comes to losing weight?


  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Same thing, that damn desk. I have a portable stepper under my desk and dumb bells to work my arms. As time allows, I hop on the stepper for a quick burst or do some reps with the dumb bells. I just started doing this this week so I cannot report on the progress.
  • I am sure you will see progress if your doing that, plus you will feel better as the day goes on. I have been doing it the past few days and its really keeping me on track and upbeat.