May 2014 Babies



  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Hi. I'm new to the group. I am pregnant with my first. As of yesterday the due date is May 9th. I'm having my first ultrasound next week to get a more firmed date but should still be May! I'm completely new to all of this so any advice anyone wants to throw my way feel free! :) MS is literally all morning for me right now. I can't eat anything except saltines and water until around noon or 1pm. I am also completely exhausted all the time! But I am at least getting through work!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I think I am in this group LOL. I have a seven month old boy (born 2/12) and was supposed to get my Aunt Flo on 9/10. Doctor thinks I ovulated really late (like around when I was supposed to have AF) so I am barely 3-4 weeks pregnant and found out right away. HCG is increasing like it should and this was a total surprise baby. We are excited! Congrats to all you lovely ladies :-)
  • Hollie_downunder
    A Group sounds great so i don't have to keep coming back to this thread! hehe!!

    My EDD is 14th May, with my first, NO MORNING SICKNESS YET AND BETTER STAY THAT WAY! ;)

    I'm itching to get to 12 weeks so i can tell the world! And then everyone will know why i'm avoiding social events (so not me!) and not drinking (alcohol free wine is my friend!)

    I'm still working out where i can, doing Focus T25 which has helped as only a short 25min workout (was prev doing Insanity Asylum before pregnant) i was a runner too but have just been taking my dog for long walks, i think i need a more supportive sports bra to help these growing sore boobs before running again

    also getting pretty tired in the evening after work, especially having to come home and then cook dinner (hopefully hubby will get the point soon that yes i'm really tired and help out!!)

    Feel free to add me ladies!

    Oh and i have lost about 1 kg so far i think mainly due to no alcohol, and watching what i eat more (plus probably holiday weight gain from Thailand/Bali coming off!!)
  • hogroast82
    Hollie I am so jealous of your lack of MS, I don't feel human at the moment but am hoping that will pass when 2nd tri hits. All I want to do is eat away the sick feeling which isn't helping my resolve to not put on too much weight this time round.
    Waiting to tell people is the worst part as first tri is when you feel horrendous but aren't allowed to tell anyone why! I ended up having to tell a friend at the weekend as we were at an event which involved drinking and they were pressurising me into having 'just one', in the end I had to admit why I couldn't. I guess it's my own fault for being such a ready social drinker before!!
    Tcrofford, I have a similar gap between my first two, although my 2nd was a month early so the actual gap ended up being 14 months. Hard work, but they're like twins now.
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    Had my first appointment and Bubs is due May 22nd! :bigsmile:
  • ekamaseca
    ekamaseca Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm 6 weeks pregnant and would like to continue using myfitnesspal, I've lost 30 pounds over the past year and now I would like to keep my weight gain in check during my pregnancy. Feel free to add me since I'm also looking for friends to share our experiences
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Hi Ladies! Have my first appt tomorrow night (8w). Have had all day sickness for the last two weeks. It started a week later than my last so that was a little nice. Nothing really seems to help it go away for any length of time. Just trying to eat what I can get down. How is everyone else feeling?
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    It's been rough, no lie. :cry: I'm eating the opposite of everything I ate before I became pregnant so I've been dealing with the psychological aspect of this. The only thing I can eat and have any taste for are crackers, grape gatorade, watermelon, and cereal. husband's weird'ed out by this as well because before all this, I never ate cereal or gatorade or crackers. Too many calories!!! Hahahaha all that's been thrown out the window.

    Today my husband wants me to make salmon for dinner (pre-prego I loveeeee love loved salmon) now just the thought of it makes me want to hurl. Who knows maybe I'll change my mind once it's prepared.

    It's tough especially at work when you have to put on a brave face. I'm waiting till my second tri to let my coworkers know. If they only knew how low my productive level has been! :embarassed:
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Starting to feel slightly better. I ended up needing a prescription for Zofran as I lost a lot of weight in a week and was severely dehydrated. Ended up getting IV fluids a week and half ago. I finally made my first meal since being pregnant that was fairly healthy and had majority of the food groups in it. My family was excited to say the least. Unfortnately for them it has been a lot of pizza or macaroni and cheese with hotdogs as I could not stomach the thought of cooking the food. Sunday I made ham steaks with baked french fries, butternut squash, and then fresh fruit with a yogurt dip. Not the healthiest but at least a start.
  • Hollie_downunder
    Hey there!
    I'm 6 almost 7 weeks pregnant :) Trying my best to stay fit and healthy throughout too! :)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Tcrofford, I have a similar gap between my first two, although my 2nd was a month early so the actual gap ended up being 14 months. Hard work, but they're like twins now.

    Thanks, I have heard several stories like this and also read if your second baby comes when the first is less than 16-17 months old, the older sibling doesn't really go through the jealousy stuff and the difficult adjustment like an older child would. I'm sure that varies, but I am looking forward to not having to buy much, etc. After this one we're done!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Had my first appointment yesterday and the baby is due May 5th, so that puts me at 9 weeks along like I assumed. She could not find the heartbeat with the doppler (which was not a huge surprise), but checked if the ultrasound machine was free which it was so did a quick peak. Heartbeat was in the 170's and I was able to get a few snapshots to take home for my sons. They were so excited to see a picture of the baby, and incrediably mad that they were not along. I told them that there would be no pictures this go round just lots of talking. Had to promise that they come along next time just in case she checks with the ultrasound again. She said as long as the machine is available she can take scans with it at no charge as 'technically' she does not know what she's doing and can not officially read it. This made for one excited mama!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    I found out yesterday that I am preggo! This will be my second, my son is 2. This was such a surprise. Even as I type I'm thinking its just so unbelievable. It took us a while to get pregnant with our son and I just had given up on the idea that it would happen again. In April I started focusing a little more on myself and my health. I ran a 5k in Sept and was getting ready to do another. I have finally gotten so used to tracking my calories and watching what I eat, I'm just not sure what to do now
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I found out yesterday that I am preggo! This will be my second, my son is 2. This was such a surprise. Even as I type I'm thinking its just so unbelievable. It took us a while to get pregnant with our son and I just had given up on the idea that it would happen again. In April I started focusing a little more on myself and my health. I ran a 5k in Sept and was getting ready to do another. I have finally gotten so used to tracking my calories and watching what I eat, I'm just not sure what to do now

    Switch yourself over to maintenance for the first trimester. According to my midwife I could do maintenance during the first trimester, then second increase calories by 350 over maintenance, and for the third increase calories by 400 over maintenance. Congrats on your pregnancy!!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok. I switched to maintenance. Feels odd to let myself eat so much now and not have to think about food. I think this baby is sucking the life out of me. I am exhausted! After work I just want to go to bed, but I have a very active 2yo who wants to play with me. Luckily my husband is a huge help
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! Just found this thread. I'm due May 1st with my 3rd child. So far, I've been pretty sick. It was all complicated by me getting pneumonia! I'm just now starting to feel better after two weeks, but overall I have lost about 15 pounds. I'm sure I'll gain some of that back quickly when I'm eating well again. My ob told me to aim for 1800-2200 calories a day during my pregnancy, although mfp had my maintenance at 2300. I ended up about 15 lbs over my prepregnancy weight for my last two, and hoping to do about the same this time.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    After my ultrasound yesterday, I got a due date of 5/31/14, whoo hoo! Not that due dates mean much but at least now I can schedule my other appointments, haha. And I am officially in this group!
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member

    I'm new here - and very new to being pregnant as it's totally unplanned and my first. Nonetheless I'm excited but overwhelmed.

    I'm guessing I'll be due in May (mid to end) but my dates are a bit fuzzy... I really need a dating scan but the test showed 5+ weeks and so with a bit of estimation I think I'm around 7 weeks.

    Morning sickness for about a week has been awful, never experienced anything like it! Thought I'd try to use MFP to make sure I'm eating enough and a balanced diet. How does everyone else cope with morning sickness?

    Feel free to friend me :-) I could sure use a few!

  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Hello! Welcome. :)

    First time mom here too! MS has been unlike anything I've experienced too. I finally came to terms with not counting until I feel better since most of what I've been eating is fruit and anything white...(bread, crackers, pasta...etc).

    I'm now 9 weeks and some of the MS symptoms have started to subside so today's my first day in about 4 weeks since I've logged in my food.

    Hang in there! Sugar-free lemon drops and ginger tea helped with the nausea.

    Congratulations!!! :bigsmile:
  • Emma38418
    Emma38418 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello all! I am pregnant with my second baby, due may 23rd. I have started a group so we can continue to ask questions and support each other :) Group is called May 2014 Mums