Pre-Op Diet Concerns

Hello all, I'm new to the group. It's a pleasure to encounter you! My name is Leah, and I'm 20 years old. After over a year of battling with insurance I was finally approved for surgery Mid August. My surgery is September 18, 2013. All is well, except for this pre-op diet.
It's two weeks before surgery, thus I have begun. The first week we were allowed to eat two HMR entrees, three HMR shakes, and unlimited amount of the approved fruits and vegetables. I struggled the first couple days because, as a food addict, I wanted more. Quanity and variety. But eventually I geared down and got through it, and found, it actually made me feel better. I enjoyed meals and felt satisfied.
Last Wednesday I started the "all shakes" portion of the diet. I'm supposed to have five shakes a day. The highest I have ever gotten in is 2.75. I talked to my dietician on Thursday and she told me to keep trying, and to at least get in four. I simply can't. I have chocolate and vanilla packs, PB2, and every sugar free pudding mix I can find. I've made a million different flavor combinations. I've made it chunky, or runny, or pudding like. I just can't seem to do it anymore.
Last night I broke down and actually ate food because my stomach was literally in pain. They were vegetarian "hot dogs" and only had 50 calories and 5 grams of carbs in them. When I was looking into how the pre-op diet makes the liver shrink they said it's keeping your carbs (and sugars?) low. So I did that, and I felt better.
I'm trying to drink my first shake of the day, but it's just not going down well. It makes me feel almost bloated, and very uncomfortable. Does anyone have any tips, or reasons, as to why I'm having such a hard time with this physically?


  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    The main purpose of the protein loading and not to eat but to drink is to shrink the liver. You see, the liver has a layer of fat around it. It's not surprising that those of us who are morbidly obese are likely to have a lot of fat around our livers. A fatty liver can make surgery difficult. The surgeon has to actually move the liver in order to perform the surgery. A fatty liver is prone to cracking, and this can be dangerous. Shrinking the fat around your liver makes your surgery easier for the surgeon to perform and makes it safer for you. To lose a few more pounds before the surgery is optimal - hence drink and not eat. Keep trying. Think of the prize instead of the pain. Good Luck.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Hi Leah. You might consider using a good soy protein too. I found that too much whey bloats me. So I use both whey and soy. Good luck.

  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I found in the preop phase, that I needed my shakes really cold, almost slush consistancy. I used my blender (still do every day) and lots of ice. I also found if I carried it with me, in a thermal container, and set a timer on my phone and drank 2-4 oz ever 30 minutes it worked out. I also got into the habit of getting up and walking and sipping at the same time.... :smile: more exercise, and more shake. Even almost 3 years post op, I still make 64 oz of shake first thing in the morning with 60-80 gms of protein and then it is ready for me so I have no excuse! Good luck, it is so worth the changes you are making!
  • dolphintattoo
    dolphintattoo Posts: 33 Member
    The other reason for the diet (at least with lapband) is to make sure you can follow it post op when you CANNOT have solid food or risk major damage to your stomach. My doc told me he has patients that come in for surgery and admit they couldn't stick to all liquid and he has to cancel the surgery the morning of, it's that serious. If you can't do the liquids now, your chances of complications post surgery are large.
  • DebbysJourney
    DebbysJourney Posts: 82 Member
    The PA told me today to get Premiere Protein shakes. I'm going to stop at look at Walgreens on my way home tomorrow. She said she loved the chocolate ones. I've been drinking the Adkins Advantage and doing ok with them, but I'm not on pure liquids yet. She told me no more carbs. But it's 4 weeks from today for me. We can do this. As someone else said think of the end result.
  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    I find it is quite interesting that different doctors have different pre-op diets. My surgeon has even modified his since I had my surgery 3 years ago and the folks going now have so many more choices than I had.

    Although my nutritionist was the one who I got the greatest kick out of. At the time prior to surgery I was in love with Subway's buffalo chicken sub. I wanted to have one before surgery as a "last hurrah" meal. She fully endorsed this and even said to have it the night before my "clear liquids only" pre-op day. She said one meal wouldn't ruin the whole 2 weeks of the pre-op diet. Although I elected to have my last hurrah meal the night before my pre-op diet started.

    I'm sorry for you folks who are on those diets for 4-6 weeks. The two weeks pre and the 2 weeks post surgery was almost more than I could handle. I so desperately wanted to CHEW. I think I also didn't have a protein shake for months after that because I was sick of them.

  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am having VSG on October 9th, and my surgeon doesn't even require any sort of pre-op diet, which seemed a little weird to me since other surgeons in his office do. I guess it depends on the surgery and the surgeon.