Do you log your weight gains? Stalled and gaining.

I'm stalled. I was on a very low calorie diet (500 cals) for about a week (3 weeks ago). Decided I couldn't stick to it, started adding more protein as I'm bigger than the average bear. So I weighed and logged the food on this site, careful to include everything, even a single packet of purevia sweetener.

Been keeping my calories, fat, and carbs consistently under the limit, averaging about 900-1100 calories a day. Yesterday I broke down and cheated: ate 3 whole eggs, 3 slices of ezekiel sprouted-grain bread and about 1 1/2 Tbsp. of real butter for breakfast.
The rest of the day I was good, my total was about 1400 calories.

So why am I not only losing, but gaining weight? Today I was 340.8 pounds, I should be at least 5 pounds less than that by now. I have my exercise logged as low level, however I work a job on my feet and while I'm not jogging etc., I should use more calories than that getting through the day.

I'm just glad I'm not going to the weight loss clinic anymore, they would accuse me of binge eating instead of helping me.
If you can call that breakfast a binge, it's the only one I've had.

Edited to add, I don't want to "log" my weight gain, it's discouraging enough getting on the scale. Would you?


  • TheRainIsGone
    I had to resort to taking water pills. It worked.
    I don't like to take them but I guess I still need them occasionally until I lose more weight.
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I've logged my gain, except for one week it was .4lb gain so I just skipped that week. I like to log the gains so that I can look back over things to see if there's trends ...with how often it happens or the type diet I had that week.
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    I have wondered about logging my weigh gain
    I chose not to
    you will see that i plateau
    So far it is all lost the following week
    so i have little plateaus in my weight in my graph
    and i do know that i went up and down

    One week i went up 3.5kg - 7.7lbs ...which horrified me ...but it was all gone the next week
    One week i went up 1.8kg - 4lb and again it went the next week

    I am realising from my plateaus that this happens every four weeks
    It is the same week that I ovulate
    so who knows what is going on in me
    I am a tidal creature maybe and my fluid may be going rampant
    but so far i have logged my gains ...but i may in time
    I have logging my weight since July 1 this year