80/10/10 diet

Hi everyone

I'm sure a lot of you will have heard of the 80/10/10 diet. (80c 10f 10p) the carbs mainly coming from fruit and veg. I've seen some incredible before and after photos from this diet. How is it that there can be two such extreme methods of dieting (this one and ketosis etc) both with such great results? I find it kind of fascinating but also bewildering at the same time!


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Wow - I haven't heard of 80-10-10. That sounds horrible - like a starvation diet. 10% protein? Those poor people. You can't maintain lean body mass at those levels (unless you have a huge volume of calories, and I'm guessing that's not on the plan).

    High fat satiates. It lets you eat less because you just aren't hungry. And your body needs fat. After reading and educating myself, I'm a firm believer that the low fat dogma (ok, BS) that we've been fed has led us down the path of obesity. Low fat equals high carbs, and high carbs are unhealthy.

    That's my belief though. You should research for yourself. For me, educating myself has been key in staying committed for over a year. If I didn't really believe in this as a healthy lifestyle, I'm sure I would revert back to old habits at the first temptation.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    I imagine people eating only 10% protein have lost a lot of lean body mass. And 10% fat may mean they are in danger of not getting essential fats. Sounds very sad to me.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Yep I imagine they are losing a lot of muscle. Remember your heart is a muscle as well. Doesn't sound safe to me.
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    Everybody's body is different. Many of the low carbers are diabetic, prediabetic, PCOS, or simply carb sensitive so the lower sugars and lack of simple carbs are amazing for them while others function better on say 40% carbs a day. 80% carbs sounds insane for anyone and keep in mind that no macros even for Keto is above 70% (of which is fat, not carb). You are better off adjusting your macros to where you feel full, comfortable enough to exercise, and see a difference in fat loss.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm sure a lot of you will have heard of the 80/10/10 diet. (80c 10f 10p) the carbs mainly coming from fruit and veg. I've seen some incredible before and after photos from this diet. How is it that there can be two such extreme methods of dieting (this one and ketosis etc) both with such great results? I find it kind of fascinating but also bewildering at the same time!

    I've seen it before, and I highly doubt the "great results" over the long term.

    80/10/10 is a raw vegan diet and the extreme nature of it pretty much guarantees nutrient deficiency. Veg*n diets in general are at risk of nutrient deficiency on more or less a sliding scale - vegetarians are at relatively low risk (the big one being B12, which they can still get some of if they include some kind of animal products), and it gets progressively higher (and involves more vitamins) as you go to vegan, then raw vegan, then 80/10/10.

    I tried to find some non-biased information, but it's pretty polar. Here's an example of what I've seen mentioned as more typical: http://goneraw.com/forum/i-cant-take-it-anymore-801010

    The OP talks about hair loss (that didn't happen even as a raw vegan) and having to deal with perfecting every single little detail to reap the benefits of the most popular 80/10/10 diet - 30 Bananas A Day (30BAD). There's also a few comments in there about having to supplement with seaweed to get adequate iodine, which evidently is off limits on 30BAD.

    Loss of libido and menstrual cycles are not uncommon (even the guy that runs 30BAD openly states he has no sex drive, but doesn't see this as a bad thing). Lean mass loss and rotting teeth are also not uncommon. Just look up "80/10/10" on Google images and you'll find a number of people who look anorexic (as well as a few that started out looking good and gaining weight, likely because their body couldn't handle all the sugar).

    To be fair, a lot of people have mentioned that they've reduced things like allergies, improved asthma, better skin, and clearer nasal passages, but I'm more inclined to think that has more to do with cutting out grains, dairy, and just SAD foods in general (these are also the same symptoms that Paleo follows have noted improvement on), than in eating insane amounts of fruit and next to no protein or fat.

    Here's another article that shows the problems with it - http://paleozonenutrition.com/2011/03/26/why-i-dont-recommend-a-low-fat-raw-vegan-diet

    From what I've seen, the "successes" that you mention are either a) temporary and during the "honeymoon" period, b) sugar-coated ("I lost so much weight!" ...and now you're dangerously underweight to the point that your period has stopped and your body temperature is 95), or c) the creator of 30BAD, Durianrider, who, from what I've seen, spends an exorbitant amount of time working out (and who, by the way, evidently has some not-so-stellar bloodwork, at least according to a critic site - http://30bananasadaysucks.com/2012/04/durianrider-increases-his-risk-for-vascular-diseases-by-eating-his-hcrv-801010-diet/ ), or creator of 80/10/10 Doug Graham.

    And there's this, which highlights some of the more bizarre things said by Graham and other, as well as summarizing some of the common side effects (even happening to Graham himself) of it - http://180degreehealth.com/2011/04/the-80-10-10-diet-811rv