
GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
Hi All,

I am a 29 year old new Mommy to my beautiful little girl Lily, who was born on 4th August this year.

I have already been well along the weight loss journey and went from 218lbs (15st 8) to 174lbs (12st 6) however I had started to put on a few pounds again then found out I was pregnant.

During my pregnancy my heaviest weight was 17st 2, my baby is now 6 weeks old and my starting weight this time on 9th September was 223lbs (15st 13)

My aim is to get down to 154lbs (11 stone)

Hoping to meet like minded Mommy's and exchange stories, advice and successes....both weight and baby related :-)



  • blondieellie
    blondieellie Posts: 46 Member
    Great idea to have a new mummy group! :)
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Hi! My name is Heather and I'm the mother of a lovely very active little 9 month old girl. I got pregnant while recovering from a major abdominal surgery for a very large ovarian tumor (we were trying but it was still a bit of a surprise). Between the tumor and pregnancy, I've spend two years looking pregnant and feeling not at my best physically. But now I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but still looking to lose 25-35 pounds more.

    I am 5'3" and currently weight somewhere around 160 (I had a recent 7 pound difference between two scales at the Cancer Agency, so I'm averaging). My goal weight is 135, though my ultimate goal weight is 125. I'll weigh in at my gym tomorrow and use that scale as my go-to.

    I'm taking a great bootcamp class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and am running in my own time. I also like weight training, yoga, and a few team sports that I haven't played in years. I'd also like to start jujitsu when I am done breastfeeding, and would ultimately like to start rock climbing again.

    Can't wait to meet the rest of you!!
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi!! I am La Toya and 28yrs old. I live on the east coast with my family. Along with my husband, I have a son who is 7 yrs old and a new daughter who is 9 months old. She is my Christmas Baby!!! <3<3<3 I came to MFP to help aid in losing weight of course. In the past, I would lose weight but, always gain it back. I gained it back due to poor dieting I am sure. Starving yourself is not the way to go. I gained lots of weight over the past 2 yrs during pregnancies. Sadly, we lost our second child and I was left with the extra weight. My daughter was conceived 8 months after that and the weight just seemed to pile on. So, here I am and in need of losing a total of 72lbs. I have lost 26lbs so far by eating healthy and working out 5-6 days a wk. I enjoy my stationary bike the best because the resistance really challenges me. I realize that it may take well into next yr to get to my goal weight of 130lbs but, I am going to do it! I want to be around for my kids...I want to be around for my grandkids too! My granddad passed away at 58 due to complications of diabetes. So did his mother. If it is my in my control, that will not be me!!

    Nice to meet you all ladies and to have other mommies to relate to along this journey!
  • devans25
    devans25 Posts: 36 Member

    My name is Darcie, had my first child, a boy, on July 24, 2013. I am 5'7.5 (those halves count!) and now weigh 214. Prepregnancy I weighed 219, then during pregnancy gained 25lbs to make me at my heaviest at 244. Thankfully I've lost all my pregnancy weight, however things just don't sit right anymore. :/ (like they truly ever did, but now it just looks funky.) I'm ready to start this weight loss journey and hoping that my breastfeeding will help! Can't wait to get to meet you ladies!