Whats on the menu?

Hi everyone

Being new to this, I'm intrigued to know what sort of things you all eat on a daily basis. Also, is it possible to maintain a keto way of life if you are lactose intolerant? I see a lot of people eat a lot of cheese/milk/yogurt/cream which just isn't an option for me! Also..snacks..I've always found fruit or a fruity snack bar the easiest go-to for an on the road snack. Whats a good replacement?


  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    You don't have to eat dairy on keto. You can eat other fats like:

    -coconut oil ( unrefined cold pressed)
    -Olive oil
    -Bulletproof Coffee/tea
    -Fat bombs
    -Fatty meats
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    You dont need to do 'extra' just eat fattier meats, they will keep your appetite sated for longer.

    My breakfast is usually eggs with mayo/onion/bacon/spinach
    breaks are some chicken with skin with veg (peppers/celery)
    fatty meat for lunch with veg (I love a good bit of sirloin)
    then something similar for dinner.

    All my portions are relatively small (i havent been able to eat alot for quite a while, i feel like my stomach has literally shrunk!) so eat 4-6 times a day.

    If you have access to a freezer make fat bombs, cook in oils, if not, eat nuts, jerky, eggs.

    Their is more but this is all thats coming to mind atm
  • BryonyKate
    BryonyKate Posts: 32 Member
    sorry to be slow but what are fat bombs?
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    My "typical" and easy meal is:
    a meat (chicken, salmon, pork, shrimp, etc) cooked in a fat (butter, coconut oil, olive oil) dusted or coated with a spice/spice rub plus a vegetable (green beans w/ bacon, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli) that are also cooked in fat. They are either sauteed until browned or baked until browned. Boiled is not my favorite way but I'll eat veggies that way. I add butter but you could add a non-dairy fat.

    I am all about easy and fast to prepare. On weekends or when i have more time i might make chicken salad, deviled eggs, a casserole or some extra meats or veggies to eat throughout the week.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member

    Breakfast - kale sauted in coconut oil; 2 whole (pastured if available) eggs fried in the pan after you take out the kale; 1/2 avocado or 100 cal pak of guacamole;

    Lunch - Grass fed short ribs and broth (cooked in the pressure cooker a couple of days ago) over kale or spinach.

    Dinner - pork chops and cabbage and tomato. (make sure to add enough coconut or olive oil if chops are lean)

    limited snacks - macadamia nuts; boiled egg; kalamatta olives.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    For breakfast, I typically have either builetproof coffee (12oz of coffee with coconut oil, butter, and a bit of unsweetened cocoa) or a "Scotch" egg (hard boiled egg, wrapped in ground beef, then baked).

    Lunch is usually leftovers from dinner the night before.

    Dinner is usually meat and veg.

    My snacks are usually homemade low carb bars or other treats (cakes, cookies, etc but made with nut flours to keep it low carb).
    I add oils/butter to anything I can to bump up the fat content.