100 Days Til Christmas

Aakornely Posts: 20 Member
Day 1: Stay Positive- Getting into shape isn't easy, and doesn't happen overnight. Encourage and congratulate others, even if your scale doesn't show you the number you want, or the clothes are not getting any bigger. Hopefully seeing others success will motivate you, and you can be the one who motivated them. Be proud of what you accomplished, and don’t base your progress on past diets or others success. And most of all DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!!

Cupboards are clean, and fridge is full of fruits and vegs. Now to start tracking and holding myself accountable for what I eat. Also going to start the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout DVD (again). I need Mean to get Lean.

What are you going to do to get healthier for Christmas???


  • djess050
    djess050 Posts: 66 Member
    I never kept track of what I ate before so thats gonna be something new for me! NOt sure if that would be a life long thing but it would definitely tell me what im putting in my body!

  • Aakornely
    Aakornely Posts: 20 Member
    I am a true believer in holding yourself accountable. I'm no nutritionist, but eating too few calories can sometimes have the same effect as eating too many. When I am hungry I will try to find the most to eat with the least amount of calories, so that I am full and not feeling guilty. Eating 5 candy bars a-day will give you your calories intake, but are you going to be full?