Progress Stats

Hi everyone.

Even though I have done my first week I would like to add my stats here.

Weight 63.6kg
Chest 86 cm
Arms 27.5cm
Waist 70.5cm
Thigh 57.5cm
Hips 85cm

I don't really want to lose weight as such. I have been maintaining for nearly a year, but recently I put on 4kg. What I would like to do is lose just the 4kg but really reduce body fat. When I get some body fat callipers I will get my percentage and see how that changes over the course of this program.

Feel free to add your stats too! :happy:



  • sandeerah
    It been 3 weeks, not much has changed.

    Weight 63.6kg
    Chest 86 cm
    Arms 27.5cm
    Waist 70.5cm
    Thigh 57.5cm
    Hips 85cm

    WEEK 3
    Weight 63.4
    Chest 86.5cm
    Arms 28.5
    Waist 70.5
    Thigh 58
    Hips 84

    Not too concerned. I do feel stronger, not strong enough however to do the pushups without modification yet :laugh: I will get there.

    Oh I will get my body fat callipers in the mail next week. Hopefully I see a downward trend there.

  • sandeerah
    Last week of Alpha. Not much has changed.

    Weight 63.6kg
    Chest 86 cm
    Arms 27.5cm
    Waist 70.5cm
    Thigh 57.5cm
    Hips 85cm

    WEEK 5
    Weight 64
    Chest 86.5
    Arms 27.5
    Waist 70.5
    Thigh 58.5
    Hips 84
  • sandeerah
    Into my second week of Beta.

    Weight 63.6kg
    Chest 86 cm
    Arms 27.5cm
    Waist 70.5cm
    Thigh 57.5cm
    Hips 85cm

    Week 7 (second week of Beta
    Weight 63.8
    Chest 86
    Arms 27.5
    Waist 70
    Thigh 58.5
    Hips 83

    Only major change is hips, down 2cm.