
lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
This week is just flying by before we know it the weekend will be here. Today I will get in those 5,000 steps and get all my water in. Next week I will raise my steps up to 6,000.

Running a little late this morning.

So what are your goals for the day?


  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    yesterday I walked 10038 steps- woohoo! I would like to meet or exceed that number today. I'm a walker, so I can usually make 8000 fairly easily. I think it was the extra walks to the copier at the other end of the hall that helped me over the 10000 mark :smile:
  • lonna985
    lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
    Great job queenegreene I bet you can do it again today. One day I will be hitting that 10,000 steps everyday but I do believe that it is going to take some time. But every extra step is a step in the right direction.
  • lonna985
    lonna985 Posts: 32 Member
    Reached todays goals

    Total steps 5384

    and drank 6 bottles @16.8 oz

    Who knows what tomorrow will bring!