Atkins bars..yes or no?



  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Yesterday I had just come off a night shift so slept until 3pm. I ended up eating a sort of lunch/supper deal around 4 and then didn't eat supper. Lunch was huge so I was ok but then later in the evening I was craving something sweet, for the first time in 2 weeks and remembered the atkins caramel nut chews I had bought for emergencies. I didn't realize that the nutritional values on MFP for the one I picks had the net carbs not what the box said (2g vs 17g) so when I looked at my totals I could have 2 (so I thought). Today I was up 1.5lbs and couldn't understand why until I looked at it closer. I won't be having them again!! at least not 2 at a time.:blushing:
  • I've not tried Atkins bars but as others have said, In an emergency I go for a quest bar- I'm happy with macros and ingredients!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    They are a YMMV item. A number of people experience stalls using them. They also use malitol as a sweetener. Malitol is a bad sugar alcohol. (Vs erythritol which is a much better sugar alcohol). Malitol still has a high glycemic index, and users usually still have an insulin response. Users also often have gastric issues with malitol.

    Avoid malitol. Bad. Very bad. Unless you are severely constipated. And even then, be cautious.

    For a snack I'd rather have almonds, sunflower seeds, cooked bacon, dark chocolate - if you are working out, check out Quest bars. good source of protein there.

    This. Every time I've tried ANY of the Atkins sweets, the tummy issues have happened and I've stalled or gained. Malitol is a very big no-no for me. I'll stick to making my own sweets, thank you very much :)
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    I eat one occasionally. They are kind of a "Frankenfood." Haven't had any problems with the Maltitol. I think they're tasty. I treat them "for emergency use only" because I'd much rather have a meal with meat or fish, veggies, salad, you know, "real" food.

    Don't care much for the Quest bars. I had one that was a week or so before it's expiration date, and it was ROCK HARD. I mean, so hard I couldn't even cut pieces off with a knife. Harder than beef jerky. I was mad. Those bars aren't cheap. I've never had an Atkins bar get that nasty.

    Some people get down on Atkins Nutritionals for hawking the bars and shakes, claiming that it's a distortion of what Atkins intended for his diet. But Atkins, when he was alive, had been marketing his brand of products for years. Like a decade or something.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Atkin bars taste super sweet to me and give me major cravings.. I prefer the play-doh like Quest bars. I eat one and am full for a few hrs and don't get cravings. I like the banana nut one...cause you are what you eat.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I say try it and see .. Everyone is different.

    I absolutely can't do the bars or shakes or candies or even the Atkins frozen meals because they all stall me. I also don't eat anything with sugar alcohols.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I love the Quest bars as they are large and work as a meal substitute as they are supposed to be. Really fill you up. Best if you nuke them for 15-20 seconds though. Then they are soft and chewy. Just ordered a big box and I can't wait!!

    Atkins made me stall on weight loss. Ate them like candy. Just one or two for a treat during the day. Didn't work for me.