Order of exercises?

Hello :smile:

Long time lurker of the boards first time poster! I started nrol4w last week and am loving it. I have a question though for all of you experienced ladies :wink:

Do you always do each exercise in the order listed? I only ask as on my last workout the gym was busier than usual and I was waiting a long time to do my squats. Was I right to wait or could I have moved on to push ups/seated rows? Some days I have time to wait but other days I am rather pushed to get in and out of the gym.

Thanks in advance!


  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I don't really know the answer but I have always started with the first one (squats or DL in stage 1) just because it seems to wake all of my muscles up. Now, the other supersets I have done out of order. But I'm curious to see what others say about it.
  • Thanks for the reply :happy:

    That's what I am wondering, it feels like I *should* do the squats or DL first but I'm curious as to whether I have to? The other day I was waiting quite a while (I didn't know what do with myself to be honest :embarassed: )
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I try to do them in order, with the big lifts (squats and deadlifts) first, but it doesn't always work out that way if the squat rack is in use. Sometimes the superset pairs don't work out either if the cable machine is being used when I need it. Just move on to the next thing or improvise as best you can to get it all done.
  • Thank you! Yes makes sense, think I'll wait till the rack is free unless it's crazy busy but do my best to stick to the workout as it's written.

    Thanks guys!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sometimes I even switch out a similar exercise for the one in the plan. Last Saturday my gym was busier than usual and I could not get into the squat rack at all by the end of my workout. I just decided to do goblet squats holding a 45 pound plate against my chest and really focusing on getting all the way down to the ground, which was good enough.

    Remember that if you do NROLFW all the way through, you'll be doing it for 6 months or more. Every workout doesn't have to be perfect as long as you are consistent and stay true to the ideas behind the program.

    I finished NROLFW and moved on to Supercharged, so I've been at it for more than a year. Putting in the time with the weights matters more than the details of any one stage, although I do try to do everything as written unless I have a good reason not to.
  • That makes so much sense! Great idea to substitute for similar if needs must. Thank you!
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I do things WAY out of order about half of the time. I tend to start with what's recommended (squats, DLs), but then I like to mix it up for my own entertainment, if nothing else. I'm on Stage 3 right now, and the 3B workout wants you to do 3 90-second prone cobras in a row (AHAHAHA -- no). I usually work them into other alternating sets and make a circuit out of it.

    I can't see how it could hurt if it makes the workout more enjoyable or gets you out of the gym on time.