Starting my couch to 5k goal

Paula5130 Posts: 27 Member
How long did everyone run at the start of the process ... I am up to 2 minutes of jogging with 4 minutes of walking, can do about 4 of them and I'm knackered, any suggestions. Previously I was a 20 second tabbata interval exerciser, but want to achieve this 5 k challenge, hopefully before Christmas


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I ran the 30 seconds (or was it a minute?) that C25K started me with. At that time, that was enough. It took me 8 weeks to complete the program and be able to run 30 minutes at a time.
    Hang in there, Paula. Take it slow and easy and you'll be running 5K in no time. (just don't expect to run 5K in 30 minutes at the end of the program).
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I started as the program tells you and the 30 seconds felt like it would kill me. I completed the program in the 8 weeks and was able to run the 30 minutes but not the full 3.1. I think it took me another month and a half or so to get to the full 3.1. I am super slow, 15 minute miles. Now I still run 2 miles 3-4 times per week, 3 miles once a week and maybe another mile here and there. Stick with the program, take your rest days (I did it Tues/Thurs/ Sat or Sun) and get good shoes. Advice given to me was also to run as slow as you can until you build up a good base. I highly enjoyed the program and recommend it to everyone!!! You will do great!!!