Safety - Road ID app

For anyone that runs at night, in secluded areas, or just wants to feel safer, check out the Road ID app. I just found it after someone mentioned it in the forums of a running site. When you go for a run (or walk or bike ride) you start this alert called an ecrumb. You select contacts (I think up to 5? I always just use my mom) and the length of time you anticipate being gone. When you start the ecrumb it sends a text to the people you selected and lets them know you're going out. It also gives them a link to track you via gps. There's also an option that will alert your contact people if you stop moving for 5 minutes. It warns you before sending that alert so if you just stopped to talk or take a rest you can cancel it. You can also create a lock screen wallpaper that lists your name and some emergency contacts, but I like my cute dog wallpaper and don't want to change it every time I run haha.


  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Thank you, I'm going to check this out! My boyfriend has been whining lately that he isn't comfortable with me running in the neighborhood alone unless I'm carrying my gun (which is really heavy). I've been either running in groups or at the park lately, but I think this may help. Thank you!
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thank you, I'm going to check this out! My boyfriend has been whining lately that he isn't comfortable with me running in the neighborhood alone unless I'm carrying my gun (which is really heavy). I've been either running in groups or at the park lately, but I think this may help. Thank you!

    :laugh: LOL. OMG. I can't imagine anyone running with a gun. I'd be scared that it would go off.

    OP, thanks for the info. This is a nice app.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Thank you, I'm going to check this out! My boyfriend has been whining lately that he isn't comfortable with me running in the neighborhood alone unless I'm carrying my gun (which is really heavy). I've been either running in groups or at the park lately, but I think this may help. Thank you!

    :laugh: LOL. OMG. I can't imagine anyone running with a gun. I'd be scared that it would go off.

    OP, thanks for the info. This is a nice app.
    Hahaha I'm not afraid of it going off though the one I'd bring is semi-auto (hooray for the safety in the trigger!) but it's just HEAVY! I'd need to buy something waaaay lighter to even consider it.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You are much more in danger from dogs than from people, so IMO a gun is overkill in a populated environment. I keep toying with the idea of getting an extendable baton.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    When my pup is old enough I hope to run with her (German Shepherd). I don't think a gun is 'overkill' but it's certainly not a primary weapon. I carry a different primary when I run (mace) and if anything a knife, taser, baton etc would be a secondary before I would pull a gun.. but it does depend on the situation.

    I'm not a huge fan of carrying a baton or taser though personally, but that's just my opinion. I feel like there's a greater chance of it just irritating the attacker than it actually causing them to flee.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    thanks for the info.