Final Thoughts on the 3 day Dr. Oz Cleanse

Wed. was my last day and yesterday I was just to weak to tell you about it ha ha. Seriously both my daughter and I felt terrible for the whole three days. We had a headache, achey all over, sore throat??? and very tired. My daughter wanted to eat the last night but I convinced her that we had come this far why not finish. The last night was long cause we had a pool on Big Brother so needed to watch it but it was on until 11:00 so wanted the night over and I could not go to sleep and did not til 2:30 a.m. and the whole 3 days I had a problem sleeping (I always wake up a lot but go right back to sleep but not while doing this I could not go back to sleep). My daughter did not have a problem with that.

Anyway, although this is not a diet you do loose weight. My daughter lost 8 lbs. and I lost 2 - obviously she had more guck in her than I did ha ha. As I said before it takes a lot for me to loose weight. I am sure that it will be back on soon cause it was probably just water weight. Anyway IT IS OVER and guess what we went out to celebrate last night but I did not and wine not so good though. Back up and at it now and will not weight until my usual weigh in day Tuesday.

