Ready Set...



  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    I would say probably the number one trigger for me is to treat myself cause I deserve it after fill in the blank. I'm finding new ways to treat myself during those time with a nice long walk through a park, not for exercise, but to unwind. Go for a drive on a pretty day. Sit on the deck with a fruit spritzer. Go to a concert. Splurge on a movie. Etc. I think it's become too easy to use alcohol for coping with everything. Having a bad day, have a drink. You worked hard today, you deserve a drink. Let's celebrate, have a drink. Going out on a dinner date? Have a drink. Let's bond over a drink! I guess probably the same reason why folks may over eat, smoke, or whatever vice we may have. Lots of good thoughts to think about other than just the calorie aspect of things and even if you don't do the 30, it's at least becoming something we are aware of so that we can have a healthier relationship with booze, food and etc and find other alternatives and keep the occasional splurge on vices fun and not a problem :)
  • veracalore
    Hey all,

    I've been on a great kick for about 3 months now, then went back to drinking and bar hopping. I gained like 10 lbs in no time flat. I was planning to do a 30 day dry out anyway, so this is awesome! Halloween will be great! Something tells me I'll be a cheap date.....