Low Carb and Movie Theaters

Hubby and I love going to the movies, but since I've been low carbing again, I have to steer clear of my usual movie theater goodies.
The last time I went, I did a batch of cheddar chips (cheese on parchment, melt in microwave or oven) and stuck them in my purse. I don't always want to have to bring snacks from home though.

What do you guys eat at the theater?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I don't eat anything at the theater. I eat before I go, and overpay for a water.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I eat before i go

    or bring jerky/pork rinds
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I take Lily's chocolate or nuts.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    That's kinda what I thought....
    I'll just keep bringing my own LC snacks and hubby can buy a tub of popcorn or whatever he wants at the theater.

  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    We just get large diet pop or water and eat before or after the movie. One theater near us sells hot dogs and my SO got one there before and just didn't eat the bun. Other than that there's not much else, at least not in the theaters around here. It would be nice if they all sold roasted nuts or something that we could eat.