Form Check


  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    First thing I see on deadlift is head position, watch this video

    OHP you looked good, little wabbling, Tighten glutes and hams lock back, couldn't see your feet, but it seemed like you were a little off balance. It is impossible to get wrists straight but try and get them as straight as possible,

    Watch Mehdi in this I watched it a a few times, OHP starts at 12 min

    Just giving some pointers here, looked really good in my opinion.

    Squat was pretty much flawless, bar is going straight down, you are getting deep enough, hand placement seems ok as does bar placement. Check this video out as it helped me out big time
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Thanks Mike. I'd seen Elliot's other deadlift videos, never that one. I'm going to have my wife get a stick and stay at 225.
    That was my second attempt at 115 OHP, got it but yeah, wobbly.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Try and picture it in your head with the one two three contact points on the stick, I watched the video a few times, but until the wife watched it and started counting as she held the stick I didn't even notice
  • Deadlift seems to look more like a straight leg deadlift vs a conventional deadlift. Keep your *kitten* low and drive with your legs, not lift with your back. As stated in a previous post, approach and lift like a silly as that sounds.

    With the OHP, as weight goes up, you're prob going to be a bit wobbly. Just wait til ya start throwin up 125+! Try to widen your stance a little to stabilize yourself and/or stagger your stance a bit.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Deadlift seems to look more like a straight leg deadlift vs a conventional deadlift. Keep your *kitten* low and drive with your legs, not lift with your back. As stated in a previous post, approach and lift like a silly as that sounds.

    With the OHP, as weight goes up, you're prob going to be a bit wobbly. Just wait til ya start throwin up 125+! Try to widen your stance a little to stabilize yourself and/or stagger your stance a bit.

    I agree on the deadlift. Get your hips down and back. Lead with your head, that should be the 1st thing that moves. Up and back. Drive the floor away from you. The 1st rep was marginal and the rest got worse. Once your weight goes up this form will hold you back.

    Squats, not too bad, but again, if you sit back a little more you'll hit depth easier. Once again- the head drives the lift. If you keep your head up and try to drive it up and back, it'll keep your back in a better position. I like to pick a spot on the wall and focus on that, so when you are the bottom of the lift, your head is still up.

    OHP looks good to me!
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Thanks everyone. I've videoed some more and increased weight, still not happy with my DL form. Last workout was 265, got 5 but really felt it in my lower back. I'm going to deload back to 225 and work on form.
    I've watched a number of youtube squat videos and compared to mine, I want to get lower. The 205 squat workout after the video of the one posted ended up with a groin strain and my knee has been bothering me. I deloaded and switched to 3x5, often taking 2 days off before the next work out. I got back up to 200 but still not happy with my depth some I'm going to deload back to 185 tonight and get lower.
    I'll post some recent videos in the next few days.
    Thanks again, I really appreciate the feedback.