Fueling myself for running and lifting..help

I need to wrap my head about this new way of eating in terms of fueling my workouts properly. Before, on running days, I'd eat oatmeal or peanut butter whole grain toast for breakfast. Now, on running days any suggestions on what I should eat? Typically on lifting days I'd do eggs, bacon, toast pre workout with a protein shake or Quest bar right after I finished. Suggestions on how I should fuel lifting days now?

I welcome all advice, tips and feedback! Thanks guys. Oh and typically I lift 3 times a week (heavy) and do cardio (running/biking/elliptical) 2-3 days a week.


  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    you could eat almond butter on celery or apples before running, and pre workout you could do bacon, eggs, and sweet potatoes. try to get a good assortment of nuts and seeds, you could make your own trail mixes with nuts, seeds, and coconut shreds even.

    I'm not sure what to suggest to replace your typical protein shake other than just trying to get more protein from meat sources. it seems that many paleo/primal eaters have been grabbing hemp protein powders as an alternative to whey protein powders, but I haven't tried it myself yet so I can't offer much help in that regard.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    for runs over 10 miles I usually have sweet potatoes the eve before - same for heavy lifting sessions- I dont worry about protein so much as I eat a fair bit of it anyway.
  • When I run,I run early in the morning and for now,I run fasted.I need a couple of hours to digest most things I eat so food before a run is not an option.
    As for lifting,I eat protein before and after but again,not too close to the time I lift.
    As an example,today I ate around 730am and I am going to lift about 3 hours later.Breakfast was chicken with veggies (sweet potatoes,zukes and chard).
  • Thanks guys. So this morning around 630 I had my coffee, 2 thin slices of homemade paleo bread with crunchy almond butter, a smidge of raw honey and a few slices of pears. I ran around 845 am after I got the kid to school etc. First mile was great at 8:02 pace, second mile even better at 7:55 pace (my fastest ever) then middle of the 3rd mile I ran out of steam and that was a 8:35 pace. I walked a little of the 4th mile then jogged home for the rest. Not sure if I'm still run down from being sick for a week or if my body hasn't switched over to fat burning yet! Very frustrating.....
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    In reading this, I couldn't help but wonder, you're trying to fuel up with carbs and then expect your body to switch over to fat. My experience is that I have to pick one or the other. If I'm on carbs, I have to stay fueled on carbs (e.g., goo, banana, orange, etc.) during the run or I'm going to bonk.

    For that reason, I do my cardio in a fasted state. I'll have a very low amount of blood sugar (glucose), once that's gone, my body will switch over (I can actually feel it happen). It might be hard to hold off eating until you've finished your run (approximately 10am), but that's what I do.
  • In reading this, I couldn't help but wonder, you're trying to fuel up with carbs and then expect your body to switch over to fat. My experience is that I have to pick one or the other. If I'm on carbs, I have to stay fueled on carbs (e.g., goo, banana, orange, etc.) during the run or I'm going to bonk.

    For that reason, I do my cardio in a fasted state. I'll have a very low amount of blood sugar (glucose), once that's gone, my body will switch over (I can actually feel it happen). It might be hard to hold off eating until you've finished your run (approximately 10am), but that's what I do.

    I guess I'm trying to have a healthy balance of all things as much as I can. Def not interested in doing fasted state cardio as I KNOW I don't perform well that way. :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Not a runner, so I can't be of much help with that....I pretty much always train fasted. Green tea and water, and that's me out the door to the gym.

    I lift heavy 4x per week and train with kettlebells 5x per week. I walk everywhere, and occasionally do some sort of sprint interval work. I train for an hour to an hour and a half, spend an hour (round trip) walking. I break my fast each day around noon or so with whey protein, then around an hour later I eat a full meal.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Not sure if I'm still run down from being sick for a week or if my body hasn't switched over to fat burning yet! Very frustrating.....

    Your body isn't going to switch from using carbs as fuel if you're eating a higher carb diet and fuelling with carbs before you go out and run each day. It's not wrong or bad to fuel that way, and it doesn't mean you can't get lean...but if you're trying to switch over to being a fat burner rather than a sugar burner, you need to be eating a fairly low carb diet in general, and either train fasted or eat fat before you train.

    ETA: I've heard of runners eating things like olives, both before and while running. These were endurance athletes, so I'm not sure if you'd need to eat on your runs or what, but that was what they were discussing. Olives and a bit of cheese, I think. If you don't do dairy, then forget the cheese...olives and maybe a few macadamia nuts or something?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    In reading this, I couldn't help but wonder, you're trying to fuel up with carbs and then expect your body to switch over to fat. My experience is that I have to pick one or the other. If I'm on carbs, I have to stay fueled on carbs (e.g., goo, banana, orange, etc.) during the run or I'm going to bonk.

    For that reason, I do my cardio in a fasted state. I'll have a very low amount of blood sugar (glucose), once that's gone, my body will switch over (I can actually feel it happen). It might be hard to hold off eating until you've finished your run (approximately 10am), but that's what I do.

    I guess I'm trying to have a healthy balance of all things as much as I can. Def not interested in doing fasted state cardio as I KNOW I don't perform well that way. :)

    Have you tried using coconut or MTC oil in your coffee?
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    You may also want to consider that having a PR mile may have left you a bit fatigued as well. I know that I tire quickly and struggle a little more when I am running at a faster pace than usual.

    Also, there is quite a bit of information on line in regard to endurance athletes and training while living a Primal / Paleo / LC lifestyle. There is a blog on Mark's Daily Apple about a couple who run marathons, etc. and their experience's with a "traditional' training diet vs. Primal, etc.

    I've seen other articles here and there but haven't read them as I don't do any serious miles....I can easily run 3-4 miles fasted if that's any help. I've also started using Coconut Oil in my coffee with a tbsp of cream and it really is all I need now for several hours in the morning. :)
  • [/quote]

    Have you tried using coconut or MTC oil in your coffee?

    I have not! I've read about "bulletproof" coffee with butter and coconut oil in it though. Do you use coconut oil or anything in yours (if you drink it obviously)?
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys! Lots to think about and research! :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member

    Have you tried using coconut or MTC oil in your coffee?

    I have not! I've read about "bulletproof" coffee with butter and coconut oil in it though. Do you use coconut oil or anything in yours (if you drink it obviously)?

    Yes, some mornings I will add coconut oil to my coffee. I usually take my coffee black, so I don't feel a need to add butter. It does keep me from getting hungry for an hour or two afterward.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    sweet potato, avocado and coconut oil saved me, and gave me my en energy back ....sometimes I'll have some almonds preworkout too.