Looking to try Keto!

Hi guys! (I already posted this in the Keto group but haven't received many responses. I'm hoping that if I post it here I will get more feedback)

A bit about me: I'm a 25 yo female who has always been over weight. A combo of genetics and just bad choices led me to here. I started mfp almost 2 years ago with pretty good results. Lost about 65 lbs with just calorie cutting (low fat, moderate carb, high protein) and introducing a regular exercise regime. Then sometime around January of this year I hit a wall. I haven't really lost anything since then. First I tried switching up my exercise routine. Now I do more lifting-centric workouts instead of cardio/Pilates based. Still nothing. I feel stronger, I know I have more muscle, but nothing else is budging. I also upped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1400. Still nothing.

A friend of mine has done keto for over a year now and has had amazing results (he lost 100+lb). My gym buddy recently brought up trying this out and I think this time I'm going to listen. I've been reading some articles about it and I can tell its not just some fad - that there's scientific backing to support the results. One of the reasons I'm uncertain about the whole thing is my intense sweet tooth. I've coped so far by replacing all the cakes cookies bread with fruit. But now this is saying I can' t have that either. How do you overcome that? Every time I've tried to cut something out of my diet, I end up failing and regaining weight. I'm trying desperately to prevent that from happening again.

My question to you all is this: How do I start? I did a calculator thingy and these were the results
*Generated by [Keto Calculator](http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com) 5.15*

25/F/5'5" | CW 180 | 38% BF | Lightly active

* 1500 kcal Goal, a 30% deficit. (750 min, 2143 max)
* 25g Carbohydrates
* 95g Protein (72g min, 139g max)
* 113g Fat (30g min, 184g max)

Do these results seem reasonable? How do I need to prepare? What food should I stock up on?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!! (And new friends welcome!)



  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Firstly, read a lot! You can start here:


    Lots and lots of good info.

    Go through your kitchen and get rid of all your breads, pasta, rice, sugar. Stock up on chicken, steak, burgers, eggs, cheese, olive oil, coconut oil, cream cheese, nuts, seeds, leafy greens. And come back here and ask tons of questions!

    And friend me too if you'd like! Most of my friends on here are low carbers.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Watch Fat Head if you haven't already, it's a great documentary on Netflix that is educational yet fun :) It explains how & why keto works!

    Also Pinterest.com is my best friend, you can find tons of Keto/paleo/low-carb ideas on there.

    I like:
    http://clearbreakthrough.com/ketogenic-diet-plan/everything-that-you-need-to-know-about-the-keto-flu/ (a need to know)

    For myself I don't eat fruit anymore because I can't control myself, but if you can make it work in your macros, go for it :)
  • Dianecg
    Dianecg Posts: 44 Member
    The hardest part is trying to eat all the fat you're supposed to. We've been conditioned to think fat is really bad and now that we're allowed to eat it, we can't figure out where to get it! It's the strangest problem to have.

    Definitely agree with watching Fat Head.

    It took me 3 weeks to hit ketosis. But lost 9 lbs in those 3 weeks. Be patient. It works!
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome! I agree with everyone else about reading as much as you can, watching Fat Head, and checking out reddit.com/r/keto. Lost of real people over there with great advice and awesome results. I've been carrying an extra 10-15 lbs for years, and keto is the only thing that has helped me to shed them. I'm down to my lowest weight in years after just 4 weeks of keto.

    To get started, I recommend stocking up on low-carb high-fat foods and learning how to use them. My staples are homemade mayo, cream cheese, full fat shredded cheese, heavy cream, and sausages. And add some keto friends! I live in Germany, so my brands are a little weird, but you're welcome to check out my diary. I have chosen to carb cycle, and I have one night out a week to eat "regular" food and ice cream with my husband (who is sooooo not keto). Even with that, I'm still seeing awesome results. And be sure to ask questions!