Article on Flexible Dieting by Armi Legge



  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    Wow - good article. I read the kid's story (he's 18!) and he has had quite a recovery from an ED:
    On any given day, my diet is now based around a few simple rules:

    I eat about 80-100% of my calories from whole, minimally-processed, nutrient dense sources.
    The other 0-20% of my calories can come from anything I want (this isn’t necessarily all junk, mind you).
    I always eat enough protein, mostly from meat. My carbohydrate and fat intake depends on my preferences and current goals.
    I eat 5-10 (or more) servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
    I track my food intake.
    The only thing I try to avoid at all costs is food avoidance.