List of essential low FODMAP foods!!

Hi Everyone,

I'm Alexandra and I'm new to MFP. I have IBS and have been on the fodmap diet for a year. I'm hoping that if enough people read this, we can all write down a few essential low fodmap foods that help each of us through this diet. Hopefully new comers to the fodmap diet can read it and feel a little easier in transitioning from wheat/ gluten/ etc...

So here's my essential food items:

Gluten Free Oatcakes
Spelt Spaghetti
Organic Almond Butter
Buying 2 whole chickens to use the meat and make stock out of the bones. I always make a large batch of stock and freeze it so I can make fodmap free stews, gravies, soups etc...
Unsweetened Almond Milk

Please add you essential ingredients and hopefully we can all help each other!

Thank you :)


  • DevianofKaatari
    DevianofKaatari Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much for your list! I am starting a FODMAP elimination diet. I can't believe how many things have wheat or garlic powder in them! I have to give up my beloved tomato sauce and I use that for everything.