What has Star Trek taught you?

TOS- There is no situation a photon torpedo can not cure...
TAS- Who needed the Russian kid anyway..
TNG- Children do not belong on the bridge...
DS9- Wormholes attract a**holes...
VOY- Female captains are hot.....
ENT- Never let your beagle pee on sacred trees...

TMP- Footie pajamas do not make good uniforms...
TWOK- Revenge is a dish best served cold...
TSFS- Former acid dropping hippie cab drivers make good Klingon commanders...
TVH- They are not the hell our whales...
TFF- I need my pain...
TUC- Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place...
GEN- Some deaths or not glorious....
FC- Troi is a hot mess when she gets"blended"...
INS- The bald guy can get laid...
NEM- Clones can be so pissy sometimes...
ST09- When in doubt,LENS FLARE...
STID- You can't keep a good villian down...