Important stuff will go here one day.
Introduce yourself and maybe your fav show ?
I'm Karen, from Toronto, ON As hard as it is to pick one, probably ST:Voy Though right now I'm hooked on SG-1 and Sanctuary
Favorite food or lifestyle in the SciFi world
I would like to visit Ten-Forward on Next Generation with Whoopi Goldberg bartending. I like to try Synthehol. I like the idea of drinking without getting drunk. I'll bet they also have snacks to eat without calories. Too much fun.
What has Star Trek taught you?
TV: TOS- There is no situation a photon torpedo can not cure... TAS- Who needed the Russian kid anyway.. TNG- Children do not belong on the bridge... DS9- Wormholes attract a**holes... VOY- Female captains are hot..... ENT- Never let your beagle pee on sacred trees... MOVIES: TMP- Footie pajamas do not make good…
So my husband want to watch Star Trek, which for me is amazing, because he use to watch it with me all the time, but I burned him out on it. And what does he want to watch. The Orginal Star Trek, nothing wrong with it, I like a good Kirk episode and bantering between spock, and McCoy, but I don't get as excited about OST…
Looking for kind hearts
Next Sunday I will be shaving my head to show solidarity for kids with cancer in the 4 annual St. Baldricks event at Ashling on the Lough. If anyone here would like to help me, please go to and donate even a little. Every cent counts when try to help these kids get…