Been stuck for about 3-4 months.

So I'm generally active. On a good day I'll go to the gym for an hour. Run (6.0 mph 3.5 mile) and lift. Then if I have off work I will skate, bike, whatever for a good 5-6 hours. If I have work I still get in about 3 hours of active time and I stand all day at work Some days I'll gym it, hike for 3-4 hours then do more stuff.

So here the thing. I used to eat around 1700 cal and I was only going to the gym. I dropped weight like crazy. 250 to lowest was like 197. 199ish now idk why.

I started doing all this extra exercise cause I like it. Well I tried so hard to stay at 1700, but it didn't work.

So I upped to 1900 and lost minimal weight. Then I started to figure out why I couldn't see numbers drop. Someone suggested I eat more because my body was working so hard and not getting enough food. I also switched to mostly non processed foods.

I upped to 2500, and since this site I now eat even around 3500. That's because on certain days I see myself burning 4500+ cals in a day.

I get so hungry I wake up after a few hours of sleeping to eat cause I just can't sleep like this.

Me eating more is recent so I'm not sure if it's going to be steady. I'm sure I could handle eating less but I'm worried I will stay stuck.

My main issue is I'm trying so many new things without real guidance I feel very lost. Suggestions would be fantastic and I can provide any information needed.

Also I used to use another site to track. Not sure if it will help but I want to give all the information I can.

Thank you so much!! I posted this once before with no help elsewhere, but you guys seem very kind :D!


  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member

    Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc) 5'9, 199.7, 23, unsure.

    What's your current gross intake of calories, on average? I've seen 2500 to 3500.

    What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!) protein 200ish, carbs 400ish, fat 70ish.

    Do you use a food scale and measure everything? No.

    Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?) I try my best is the honest answer.

    Do you take cheat days or days off? Not often.

    How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period? 53lb since april 2013

    Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months? Yes and to very active.

    How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period. About 3-4 months.

    Are you breastfeeding? No.

    Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS? No.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just to confirm, you lost 53lb from April to May? And then nothing June through now? Are your dates correct?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    Feb to May I went from 250ish to 197 lowest to be exact. Since June I have been 203 to 199. I keep going up and down. Last month there has been no real movement. So I'm sorry it's been about 3 months. Thanks guys I'm very dedicated and will follow whatever is needed.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    Bump <33

    Just as an update. I'm trying to set up an actual lifting routine, and I kinda like it. I'm very jumbled tho on what lifts to do and how. My main goal is to make my cal counting as spot on as possible.

    I'm not sure if I should be eating more or less, I keep hearing different things but I know my body wants to eat lol.

    Honestly I'm very confused and not sure what I should be doing for my current activity level anymore. I had a nice thing going a few months ago, but now not so much.

    I continue to wake up at night very hungry and eat, figuring out how to stop this would be amazing!!!

    I'm not sure what will help but here are pictures of my current form if it means anything. Nothing more then I want to get rid of this muffin top. It really destroys my confidence. ><;;

    Erm not sure how to embed :<
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Moving this up.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    2 day update.

    I'm starting to enjoy lifting alot, and I'm not doing as much cardio as I was before. Changing up my cardio too, and trying that whole HIIT type workout I keep seeing. Punching bag, jump-rope etc. I still hike, skate, bike etc.

    I now have a food scale and weigh everything but my cereal and veggies. I would REALLY like to find a way to replace cereal.

    Last night I ate about 3100 kcal and only woke up once and did not go eat!

    Still working on trying to find a program that works for me, but I find myself eating SO much. Staying within my range with MFP. Since my post I was 198.3 and now 200.3.

    Feel like I'm eating too much, but it's not bordem or anything I'm actually VERY hungry.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks for the update. Sidesteel and I will be chatting this weekend to get caught up with threads.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you :D

    Two night in a row I haven't gotten up to eat. Ever since I moved my bed, I find it kind of odd but I hope it sticks.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    1) Are you currently taking any sleep medication?

    2) Regarding your hunger levels, how frequently do you eat and how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you tend to eat? How much food do you eat that can generally be labeled as "low satiety" such as potato chips/kids cereal/etc? What we're getting at here is that there may be opportunity to blunt hunger via meal sizes/meal frequency and/or individual food selection such as increasing the quantity of whole foods/higher satiety food items.

    3) As far as the weight loss goes you have what appears to be very little room to increase activity and quite a bit of room to decrease food intake as your averages for September to current are:


    We would suggest you set your intake to the following levels for two weeks, and report back to us with changes in weight/mood/behavior/etc.

    2600 kcals
    300 cho
    75 fat
    180 pro

    Please let us know if you have issues, and let us know on the above.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    1) Melatonin, only if I feel I need it. So not all the time. I do have ADHD and take concerta.

    2) This changes alot and has to do with how active I am in a day. Normally three main meals with snacks inbetween. I'd say six times on a good day. I used to eat alot of fruit but currently I can see myself averaging 1-2 fruits items and 3-4 oz of veggies a day. I never eat "junk food" rarely will I have kids cereal. Sometimes (more recently in an attempt to find more food) rice crackers, super cookies, but this is not often. Sadly I cannot eat easily at work, but sometimes I will have a protein bar, grapes, beef jerky or I will make sure to get in a sandwich.

    Currently since I have rested a bit and added different types of cardio I am 196.6. Lowest I have been.


    1) Are protein bars considered low satiety?

    2) 2600 every day regardless of activity level? High or low.

    2*) Should I force myself to eat said 2600 if I can go that day with less and on a day 2600 isn't enough shall I force myself to stay at 2600?

    3) Do you suggest strength training, and any suggestions on how my exercise at the gym should be. Lift and cardio wise. (I keep reading about "Strong lift" and "HIIT". Neither of which I do.

    4) Shall I continue with my post gym activities, biking, hiking, skating etc or are these hurting me? As in doing too much and eating too little on certain days. Since it's never the same each day.

    You have no idea how grateful I am for this help, thank you.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    1) Are protein bars considered low satiety?

    I think that's going to vary from person to person. "Most" bars tend to have higher calories than whey powders which means you can sometimes swap a bar for a scoop of whey and "save" calories. This may result in higher satiety overall.
    2) 2600 every day regardless of activity level? High or low.

    2*) Should I force myself to eat said 2600 if I can go that day with less and on a day 2600 isn't enough shall I force myself to stay at 2600?

    Answering both of these at once:

    You can stagger your intake to match daily hunger levels but we would like you to average out to the intake suggested. So for example if you find that your hunger increases on certain training days and you want to eat more on those days and less on other days that's fine.
    3) Do you suggest strength training, and any suggestions on how my exercise at the gym should be. Lift and cardio wise. (I keep reading about "Strong lift" and "HIIT". Neither of which I do.

    I would absolutely do some form of resistance training. In this regard, do you have any goals (aesthetics vs strength vs sports specific)?
    4) Shall I continue with my post gym activities, biking, hiking, skating etc or are these hurting me? As in doing too much and eating too little on certain days. Since it's never the same each day.

    It could potentially be negative if it's so excessive that you're experiencing stress or recovery issues. It could potentially be negative if for some reason the excessive activity is pushing your appetite through the roof and causing you to fail to adhere to your diet. But I think that's something you may have to determine on your own.

    I'd like to know if you enjoy doing all the activity you're currently on, or if you're doing it strictly for caloric expenditure.
  • giorgioc722
    giorgioc722 Posts: 65 Member
    As far as resistance training, mainly for looks but I do want to get stronger. My main drive would become stronger. I love lifting but I feel like I'm doing it wrong or half assed and it takes the fun out. I love anything progression based.

    As far as the extra activities. It makes me feel amazing. I love progression in my life so to see my biking get better or my skate is awesome. So everything I do I actually enjoy it, but the hunger sucks so much. It is getting colder and I'm switching to stuff indoors. It's not as long but higher intensity.

    This whole hunger thing is getting insane, I started doing body workouts and punching bag. Hungry as hell.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If your primary goal is to get stronger I'd consider looking at the Starting Strength program.