warm smoothies

litoria Posts: 239 Member
A little while back it was cold here and I really wanted my morning smoothie...so I tried it warm! Alas, it was very good and now I'll have a warm smoothie whenever I feel like some sweet*ish* comfort food. And this isn't going to bust the calorie bank.

Warm pumpkin smoothie

- rice milk or light coconut milk (Either is lovely)
- 1/2 cup of pumpkin. If i'm feeling enthusiastic I'll throw it in raw, most of the time I use mashed pumpkin.
- cinnamon to taste
- fresh ginger
- sometimes I add chia seeds at the end.

throw everything together and blend until smooth, then heat in microwave or stovetop. I usually have it just a tad warmer than luke warm.

also works for banana versions.
Or Cherry/chia/oat milk

- Just some ideas!


  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I've never tried a warm smoothie, but the pumpkin sounds great!
  • ciarotheray
    ciarotheray Posts: 20 Member
    i can vouch for the banana idea! add a little (even just 0.5tsp) cocoa and its a fruity hot chocolate :o)