Day 1

our_ayley Posts: 66 Member
Hello! :-)

I've started my low carb diet today, based loosely on Atkins/Dukan and hoping to lose 50lbs. It seems overwhelming at the moment so I'm trying to focus on smaller goals on the way to do so my initial weight loss target is 14lbs which I hope to do within a few weeks.

My biggest challenge is lunches for work - I work in an office with a fridge and a microwave but nothing else. Does anyone have any lunch ideas?

Also, I've just finished day 1 and I have a blinding headache - not sure if this is due to me being a little under the weather or if it's my body reacting to the carb withdrawal. Has anyone else had symptoms like this?

If anyone wants to add feel free x


  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    Yep...they used to call it Carb Flu (not sure if people still use that term) you will feel pretty poopy for a few days while your body goes through withdrawal. I wish I could bottle that feeling for whenever I am thinking about cheating. Hang in there!
  • scarlettsmom2013
    scarlettsmom2013 Posts: 67 Member
    Today was my first day as well. I did pretty good till after dinner and I cheated :( but tomorrow is another day and I'll do better! As far as your lunches could you pprepare something the night before and reheat it in the microwave? I too have to pack a lunch and tomorrows lunch will be a 2oz cube steak, steamed vegetables, and an Atkins shake. Good luck!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Carb flu is typically due to sodium deficiency.

    From "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" Low carb diets are natriuretic - they make the kidneys dump sodium. Sodium deficiency can cause headache, dizziness and fatigue. With continued low carb intake and sodium restriction, at some point your kidneys start to excrete potassium in order to conserve sodium. Potassium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, cardiac dysrythmia. it can also cause the body to lose muscle, even when there's plenty of protein in the diet.

    On Keto / low carb, we should consume 3-5 g sodium per day. Broth is the easiest solution. You can add some heavy cream to the broth too to boost your fat.
  • our_ayley
    our_ayley Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks guys :-) I managed to sleep it off but I was just shocked at how quickly the withdrawal symptoms came. Usually when I do this type of diet it's a few days at least before any side effects so just one day seemed strange. Taking on board your advice though :-)