Chin-ups Progression - any tips?

I've been doing Scooby's training program for pull-ups since the end of May, and I felt that while my progress was slow, it was decent for someone that had never been able to do a chin-up before. However, I've been stuck in phase 4 for a good while now, and I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to move along. Specifically, I am able to do 3-4 chin-ups per set at this point (although sometimes only 2-3 on later sets), and I just haven't been able to do more. To move past phase 4, one needs to be able to do 8 in a set, and right now, it just doesn't feel like I'm ever getting out of phase 4. :P

I do Scooby's sets on my off days from strength training (I'm doing SL5x5 3x/week), typically a little while before I do some cardio intervals. I've wondered if it's a conflict between the chin-ups and SL, but figured it shouldn't be on an off day...


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Do these after your main sets :smile:
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I know people hate them, but I used the assisted chin-up machine at the gym and worked fine for me. Did it till I could do 5 unassisted of whatever I was working on (chins, pulls, dips) and then worked on adding reps.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Thanks, Chris. The reverses are already a part of Scooby's program, but I hadn't seen those lat squeezes before. Not sure if they'll help the chin-ups as much as the pull-ups, but I'll give 'em a shot. Steve, I would try it, but I don't use a gym, just our equipment at home.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    definitely will. Hardest part of a chin up is the bit from a dead hang and the lats are the main muscles used to get any movement. Start stronger (therefore with more acceleration) and it means less work required for the arms to finish the chin up :smile: