Success Stories (with pics please) Motivation Needed!

our_ayley Posts: 66 Member

I started low carb yesterday and know that it's gonna be a challenge for me, so I was hoping maybe a few people who have had some success losing weight on a low carb/keto diet wouldn't mind posting their success story on here, and hopefully show some pics? I know these type of things motivate me so I'm sure they'd motivate other people as well.

Thanks x


  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Sorry no 'before' pics (because I don't know how to do it). My husband and I started low carbing just over a year ago, and in one year, made our goals. Hurray!!

    Low carbing is an adjustment but it's not all that hard, ime. We love the food we get to eat, and not eating sugar has refined us. ;)

    Think of yourself as a gourmet eater now. A steak with a fancy side salad with ranch dressing. Eggs with the cheese. Broccoli smothered cream sauce. Eggplant smothered in tehina. Nuts and seeds. Coffee with real cream.

    I don't miss anything except fruit. And even that can be had once in awhile in small portions. :)
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I used low-carb since June 3rd, and I'm down 55 lbs. I'm a 6'3 male, but I stuck with low-carb and exercise four nights a week all summer long (lots of cardio) and low-carb really helped it melt off. In fact, I was so low-carb that I entered ketosis, which was wonderful! I had lots of energy, and very little appetite. I just got out of ketosis on Sunday evening due to a deal with my doc. I'm sticking with low-carb to eliminate the last ten lbs.

    Before all this I wasn't really into being photographed, so no "Before" without a shirt or anything like that. But I have plenty of clothed ones where you can see I had a belly, and a lot more weight in my face...
  • MermaidTX
    MermaidTX Posts: 352 Member
    I don't have pics (yet) except for what's in my profile.

    I started keto in June & I've lost over 18lbs. :) Now that's not any kind of dramatic WL, but considering I get to eat til I'm satisfied it sure feels good!

    The best part is I don't feel deprived because there's soooo many yummy things to eat and I don't think about food constantly the way I did years ago when trying to take off weight by restricting calories. It's so much less stressful! And I've seen health benefits (besides the weight loss) so I don't know if I'll go back to my previous way of eating.

    Best wishes on your new keto journey!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    ...and not eating sugar has refined us. ;)

    Love that :bigsmile:
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    I started this past January and have lost 28 pounds so far. I am lovin low carb so much and I don't feel deprived like I did when I watched my fat and calorie intake. I never lost this much doing that was always a struggle. This is my lifestyle now and I don't look at it as a diet - that is what I think is part of my success. This isn't a quick fix because this is how I will be eating from now is a mindset for me. I read a bunch of books like the Dukan Diet, The Low Carb Revolution, Low Carb Strategies You Don't Know About, and How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds by Dana Carpenter...these helped me so much to understand low-carb eating and how it affects your body. I never get bored with the food because I am always looking for new low-carb recipes (I love to cook). I belong to a couple of blogs of individuals who are true motivators to me that have been on low-carb for a number of years and been so successful. Good luck on your journey....if you really want it, you will set your mind do it!