Wedding Cake?

leuhhrae Posts: 6 Member
I'm getting married next December, and I've begun to throw some ideas together. Nothing serious, but enough to keep me satisfied since I'm itching to start this process.
I obviously can't eat my own wedding cake. With all that frosting, and milk, and fondant, and fake flowers. and yuck. I can see myself dumping all over that dance floor. Which isn't how I want my night to be. So I figured I should get a second cake. I will be the third (possibly fourth) gastric bypass patient in attendance, and there are going to be a handful of diabetics as well. The bakery where I'm getting my cake doesn't do sugar free, and upon asking for suggestions, they really had no ideas.
I thought maybe I could buy the Pillsbury sugar free cake and sugar free frosting and do it myself, but that kind of bums me out. I know that it shouldn't because it doesn't really matter. But I don't want a boring boxed cake... I want to be special too!
Any ideas on how I could possibly make this work?


  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    How about a high protein cheese cake or individual cheesecake bites
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    i like the cheesecake idea! But if you want traditional the way I spruce up my sugar free cake mixes is to flavor them. You can replace the eggs and oil in a cake mix by adding in 10 oz of diet soda. So, I make orange dream cicle cupcakes all the time. One white sugar free cake mix (boxed), one pack orange Kool Ade and 10 oz sugar free Sunkist soda. The flavor options are only limited by your imagination. You can use cherry Kool Ade and diet cherry soda, etc. I know we arent' supposed to do soda but the baking of the mix removes the carbonation and the liquid just adds the required moisture. I also make my own frosting by mixing sugar free pudding with 1 cup milk and some cool whip.
  • leuhhrae
    leuhhrae Posts: 6 Member
    I was thinking about cheesecake because I am a cheesecake fiend and any excuse to eat some.... that sounds solid. But I'm not sure if the other people who can't have sugar in attendance would enjoy cheesecake.

    Sadiegirl, that idea is absolutely fantastic! I'm going to save that and test out a few options between now and the wedding to see what it's like. Thanks so much!
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    You can't please everyone! Please yourself and move forward!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I have more problems with the malitol (sugar alcohol) that is found in the sugar free cakes than the actual sugar. Be careful of those. They aren't lower in calories and often cause more issues than sugar itself. The cheesecake idea is good, but cheesecake still has sugar and is very rich. Me, I'd do a sliver of cake and call it a night.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    I found a sugar free cake recipe on line and it was horrid.
    Remember this is YOUR wedding and you can't please all of the people all of the time.

    BTW, who says you HAVE to have a large piece of cake? When I go to birthdays/weddings now, I ask for a very small piece and either eat one or two bites and that's all OR take a long time eating it (20 min+) so my body doesn't have to metabolize all that sugar all at once- thus 'dump!'

    There are some battles you can fight and win, and some you fight and compromise. Pick your battles! :drinker: