Resources for those considering vaccines



  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    I am there any doctor out there that will agree to not giving a newborn his/her recommended immunizations?

    I know the flu shot is controversial, but what about standard immunizations like the Hepatitis B shot and Diptheria shot?

    At the hospital, I turned down HepB no problem. They asked, I said no. That was it. I also declined Vitamin K and Eye goo, but that's me. They cannot administer anything to your child without your consent. You do not have to convince them to agree with you, you simply have to tell them you do not consent. At the hospital, I had to consent one way or the other, there were forms, they don't sneak it on you.

    My first ped called me a child abuser for declining vaccination. I googled long and hard for vaccine friendly ped's in my area, and one name came up. The next doctor I went to respects my decision, even if the would recommend a different one, and doesn't give me any issues.

    In my state, you can get a philosophical exemption for preschool/school/college.

    If you are in the US, you can review the vaccine ingredients here:

    I am not comfortable injecting those substances into my developing child.