Runnning Stamina

epz1157 Posts: 22 Member
Over the years running, I have to a conclusion that the sun gives me energy. I live in South Texas Vally and it easy reaches 100-109 deg in the summer time but the rest of the years its calm and beautiful. I also have SPI which is endless miles of beach but i rather stick to my trail which my feet are accustom to dirt not sand. I'm writing because i once saw a documentary on History Channel in which stated Native American cultures worship the sun for it gives energy to all living creatures. Looking back at my running logs i have performed better at extreme sunny weather last year June- Aug.(2012) I ran a a total 252.7 miles. I do love all nature when I run, I think my audience are the air, sun, clouds , trees , birds and plants. Am I right to believe in this? Monday I ran 10 mile at 91 deg sunny humid day and i was not tried but my legs were telling to keep going and the sun was still full before setting. I have had any days like these, I start by adding the miles to my Nike+ or RunKeep app to make sure I meet my goal then at the end i feel I'm not done. I know i have a high stamina but how far can i go and is it the a mental fart about the sun? Or is there anyone out there that also puts more miles in extreme hot sunny days only?


  • I don't think ots far fetched. I deal with anemia and other deficiencies a lot and one thing my doctor said was to try spending more time in the sun because our skin absorbs some vitamins from the sun or something.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I live on the foggy foggy northern west coastal community fo California. I definitely feel more alive on my sunny runs. There is nothing more refreshing than the sun on your arms and face. Yesterday was the first run in more than a week not done in the rain and although my time was slower I felt more alive during it.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    There are all sorts of research about the sun helping people out mentally, thats why depression is so high in places like Alaska in the winter when there is very little light out. I don't know about your body actually getting energy from the sun but it might be effecting your seratonin levels and just mentally stimulating you so that carries over to your whole body.
  • USMCnetty90
    USMCnetty90 Posts: 277 Member
    I know that I feel much better on sunny days. i love the feel of the sun on my skin - and everything does seem more alive when its bright and sunshiney out.
    I live in the midwest - and am one of the crazies out running or walking my dog when its over 100 out and so humid you can cut the air.
    I am trying to psych myself up to continue running while the weather is getting colder.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I run better in the rain and enjoy it more