Down 2 Sizes Rachel Cosgrove

dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
Hello all you NROL4W ladies. Props to you all who finish the program. I think I only made it to Stage/Phase -- can't remember -- but 3 was the highest that I've gotten on any of the NROL books with the exception of Supercharged. I do like the program but I just purchased this book and the dvd.

Just curious if anyone doing NROL4W ever done the above mentioned program by Rachel Cosgrove or if you have the book. I do love it and hopefully will find others who may have done the program D2S. Please feel free to friend me if you have so I can compare notes.



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have not, but I'm considering doing it when I finished NROL Supercharged next year. I'm really loving the strength and muscles that I've gained doing NROL for Women and Supercharged, but I'd eventually like to lose a bit more fat around my mid-section. I'm curious to hear if anyone has tried this workout yet.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I have the book but haven't read it yet. Keep us posted on how you like it.
  • Lavidarachel
    Lavidarachel Posts: 16 Member

    I am on week 6. I have to say I love it (and I have never stuck this long at anything!) I got the NROLFW book, and then read that Alwyn Cosgrove recommended doing D2S first if you had weight to lose, and then going onto NROLFW. She does say to ditch the scale, but I haven't as I like to take all the info together - weight, measurements and how clothes feel.

    I have lost about 6 lbs so far, an inch around my waist and in other places, and clothes are definitely feeling better fitting. The meal plans are great, I use them, the recipes from NROLFW and my own.

    There is a brilliant D2S facebook group.

    Rachel xxxx
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I have joined the fb group. Wow, week 6. I am soo loving this program. I am on Phase 1 Strength 2 as of yesterday which was my second day. Thank you for sharing.

    I have done the NROL, NROL4W, NROL4A and NROL4L and have never finished any of them. I do like them it's just...I don't know, just wasn't feeling it or got burned out. I plan to stick with this one. I think the thing that will probably have me sticking to this one is the dvd. I got tired of looking at the book, wondering if I'm doing it right. With the dvd, it is all there, rests and everything. If NROL had dvds, I would of probably finished them. I may go back to NROL4Abs when I'm done with this, we'll see.
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! What serendipity. Tonight I am supposed to do Stage 7 workout 5 (out of 6!) of NROLFW. I can't believe I'm almost done with the program!!! Seriously, never stuck with anything this long in my life. I'm happy with my results and have considered doing another round or two of Stage 7 followed by just HIIT in the 5.5 weeks leading up to my wedding. But I also love the structure of a program and want to shock my body or at least my brain with some new stuff. My biggest focus is nutrition for the time I have left until the wedding, but if I could lose any more around my middle or my arms to look really rockin' in my dress, I'm in! You've just convinced me to buy D2S. :)
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! What serendipity. Tonight I am supposed to do Stage 7 workout 5 (out of 6!) of NROLFW. I can't believe I'm almost done with the program!!! Seriously, never stuck with anything this long in my life. I'm happy with my results and have considered doing another round or two of Stage 7 followed by just HIIT in the 5.5 weeks leading up to my wedding. But I also love the structure of a program and want to shock my body or at least my brain with some new stuff. My biggest focus is nutrition for the time I have left until the wedding, but if I could lose any more around my middle or my arms to look really rockin' in my dress, I'm in! You've just convinced me to buy D2S. :)
    If you like NROL4W, you'll like this one. I was debating between D2S and Strong Curves. D2S won me over because there is a dvd also. I am a visual person and seem to stick with dvds more than trying to count my reps or the pace of my reps or how long my rest is between sets. I am easily distracted and going along with a dvd keeps me on track. Good luck in your final stages and let me know how you feel about D2S once you've completed NR4W.
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    Can someone please tell me the correct FB group for D2S? I've searched a couple different ones and all I found were a few challenges and Rachel Cosgrove's personal page. THANKS!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Can someone please tell me the correct FB group for D2S? I've searched a couple different ones and all I found were a few challenges and Rachel Cosgrove's personal page. THANKS!
    Sorry, it's Drop 2 Sizes and the fb page is called Drop 2 Sizes by Rachel cosgrove.
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you! I ordered it yesterday for rush delivery, so it should arrive today. Is anyone interested in starting a group?
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    I am only on stage 3 of new rules, and plan to complete the full program, but I bought Drop 2 Sizes out of curiosity. It looks like a fantastic program. I'm following the facebook group just as I did for a few months before starting NRoL4W.

    If someone starts a group here, I'd love to join. I'd start it but I still have a way to go with NR before I can get started.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I am only on stage 3 of new rules, and plan to complete the full program, but I bought Drop 2 Sizes out of curiosity. It looks like a fantastic program. I'm following the facebook group just as I did for a few months before starting NRoL4W.

    If someone starts a group here, I'd love to join. I'd start it but I still have a way to go with NR before I can get started.
    I hope someone does. But if not, the fb group is great.